Chapter 6

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Once again, the girls had a cold settling in their stomachs and knew they would soon be facing danger all over again. But for Flora's sake, they decided to stop talking about it and returned to getting ready. The stiffen atmosphere instantly changed the second Musa put back on the stereo and their favorite song was playing.

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love an' I know that it's all mine
Oh, oh whoa oh
Do what you want,
But you never gonna break me,
Sticks an' stones are never gonna shake me
No, oh whoa, oh

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (a sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away)
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
A hiding place (a hiding place)

The girls grooved to the beat, sometimes grooving solo or dancing with each other, as they were preparing and checking their appearance in the mirror to make sure everything looked good and in order. And since the girls were mostly done getting ready while Flora was out on her walk, they mostly helped her get ready.

"Yikes!" Bloom said, checking the clock and saw it was thirty after seven and Red Fountain jousting tournament already started. Poor Sky must have stayed behind to wait for her. "We're late!" She quickly ran a brush through her hair once more time, deciding it could pass for good, and put on her new blue hair band.

"Relax. The guys should know by now you shouldn't rush beauty. Especially if we want to look good for them." Stella simply said.

Musa used a miniature spell to shrink her performing clothes and folded them neatly inside her small, black bag, planning to later undo the spell and return them to normal size when it was time for her to sing. "Somehow, Stel, I seriously doubt that. Some boys may act like they don't mind waiting for a girl to come, but really it drives them crazy."

"Actually, Musa, about more than 75% of the male population find tardiness to be unacceptable." Tecna said, as she smoothen out her skirt and checked the mirror once more to make sure everything was right and in order. Seeing everything was okay, she decided she was ready.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with being fashionably late." Stella insisted.

"I don't know, Stella. It seems a bit rude to me." Flora said, running a brush through her hair and hoped it would stay looking right till the night was over.

"Actually, Flora, Stella is correct. Though most guys don't approve, being fashionably is entirely acceptable nearly everywhere." Tecna informed.

"Besides, the way I see it, the boys have nothing to complain about. They're the ones who wanted to date and a girl arriving late for a date is one of prices of dating they'll have to deal with," Stella winked, taking one last look at her reflection and was quite pleased with what she saw. The outfit she was wearing was ten times cuter than when she first tried it on at the boutique, and she was also proud of the accessories she added to complete the outfit, making it look even more fabulous: the light pink fedora she wore on her head, with her golden hair let down, a diamond-encrusted 'S' pendant that stood for her name, and a pink bedazzled bracelet. As much as this sounds swallow, she really loves looking at her pretty reflection in the mirror and always sees a beautiful, blond-haired princess looking back at her. Dabbing her lips one more time with a coat of pretty in pink lipstick, she smacked her lips together and turned to her friends, with a big smile pasted on her face. "Like I always said, dahlings, appearance is absolutely everything that can either make or break a person. But of course, our appearance is so going to make us rule tonight, because we look hot." she said.

The girls finally preyed Stella away from the mirror and they linked arms with each other, smiling and talking about how much they were going to have tonight. When they finally got to Red Fountain, over thirty minutes late, they went over to Western Gate to see their boyfriends waiting right there for them. Some, though, had impatient looks in their eyes.

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