✧・゚: *✧・゚:* IV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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To Break In a Glove

Dear Evan Hansen 

"And it's the hard way, But it's the right way, The right way... to break in a glove"

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Harry POV:

"F/n/n? F/n/n! F/N/N ARE YOU THERE." (A/n F/n/n means Funny Nick Name just so you know)

"Yes! Yes I'm here Hermes. I just zoned out for a second."

"Oh okay," She turned to me. "Harry this is-"

"Y/n? I presume." I said with a side smile. She looked exactly like the girl he had met at Tesco when I was eight. Just a thirteen year old version of her.

Hermione looked baffled. "Yes... yes that is her name. How did you get that from F/n/n? It's not a variation of Y/n at all."

"Just a lucky guess." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

But that isn't true. She was the girl from Tesco. I wonder if she remembers me? I look pretty much the same except I'm a bit taller and less scrawny. I remember her as clear as day. Mostly because, well she was such a pretty girl. At school most girls never talked with me. But here was Y/n a pretty girl who spoke to me. I remember her eyes. They were such a pretty shade of y/e/c (A/n Not sure if you guys care but I imagine Y/n having grey eyes and long auburn hair and lots of freckles)

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Harry." She said, her voice soft and sweet.

I was going to respond but I got lost in the moment. I took a good look at her. She really was pretty. The sun illuminated her y/s/c skin and made her eyes sparkle. I began to imagine what it would be like to touch that skin, it looked so soft...


I was snapped out of my daydream by Hermione's voice. "Why is it that you both keep zoning out?" She said, sighing.

I laughed nervously and turned to y/n, "It's nice to meet you as well."

She smiled brilliantly and turned to Hermione. "So what was it that you were asking Harry, Hermes?"

"Oh, Right! Thank you for reminding me y/n," Hermione said sheepishly. "I was asking if you really did blow up your aunt, Harry?" Her face was serious, meanwhile y/n looked at me curiously.

I cleared my throat, "I didn't mean to—I just lost control." Ron roared with laughter, and held his stomach tightly.

"It's not funny, Ron," Hermione said, while giving Ron a scrutinizing look. "Honestly, I'm amazed Harry wasn't expelled."

"So am I," I said honestly. "Forget expelled, I thought I was going to be arrested. Your dad doesn't know why Fudge let me off, does he?"

Everyone was now looking at Ron.

He shrugged, still laughing. ""Probably 'cause it's you, isn't it? Famous Harry Potter and all that. I'd hate to see what the Ministry'd do to me if I blew up an aunt. Mind you, they'd have to dig me up first, because Mum would've killed me. Anyway, you can ask Dad yourself this evening. We're staying at the Leaky Cauldron tonight too! So you can come to King's Cross with us tomorrow! Hermione's there as well!"

Hermione nodded, beaming. "Mum and Dad dropped me and y/n off this morning with all our Hogwarts things."

I turned my attention back to the girl sitting next to Hermione. She was quiet during our whole conversation. I came to the realization that I had never seen her at Hogwarts, but here she was. Witch and all.

"How come I have never seen you at Hogwarts? And why didn't Hermione ever tell us about you?"

Everyone turned to face her. She looked rather uncomfortable under the attention.

"Well-I-well..." She began, as though she was trying to find the right words.

Ron cut in. "Well 'Mione told me what happened. See y/n here has been living with her muggle family for the past two years. They've been hiding her Hogwarts letters from her. But this year McGonagall had enough and went to get y/n herself—"

Y/n seeme to have found her words because she continued, "But my parents didn't want me to go, but I did so I left."

Hermione finished off for her, "Yes, so McGonagall brought her to my house so that I could help her catch up on the curriculum. I think she did pretty well. She was an easy student. Unlike some people." She glared daggers at Ron, who pretended he was very interested in his ice cream.

I looked at y/n again. "Well I'm quite sure you'll love Hogwarts. It's probably the best place in the world. I spend all summer just itching to get back."

"You always say that yet when we are there you don't ever want to do any school work and you make me do all of it. I think you just like the idea of Hogwarts." Hermione said harshly, a smug smile creeping onto her face.

I blushed. "Well it's not my fault that school work is a bit hard for me! I have focusing problems, you know that!"

"I have ADHD and I struggle with school but I always get my work done." Y/n said softly. "It's hard but it just takes a little patience. It takes a little time, a little perseverance. And a little uphill climb." Ron began to laugh but she continued. "You might not think it's worth it, you might begin to doubt. But you can't take any shortcuts, you gotta stick it out. And it's the hard way, but it's the right way. You have to do school work. What's the point of sitting in the class if you aren't going to at least try to learn the material. If you have to sit in the class, at least make it worth it."

A/N: and yes I did make her say Dear Evan Hansen lyrics. I started writing and I was like "This reminds me a lot of 'To Break In a Glove'" so I just went all out. Consider it a special gift theater kids, I'm one of you guys. If you have a problem with it Idk what to say because I'm probably going to make y/n speak/sing "Michael in the Bathroom"

I sat there uncomfortably. "Well I guess I should start paying more attention."

She smiled awkwardly and said, "Good." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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