2. Ghosty - I might use this 4 an oc

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Before you read, i'm just gonna say that this story was rushed

    "We need to head back!" Ivy had once again whined at Shiro.
"Why?" they replied without a tone of concern, seeming to be relaxed despite the flickering lights, "This place is obviously haunted! What do you mean why?" Ivy yapped towards Shiro while they continued to tread through the abandoned school; they truly had no sense of danger.

    WSHH, Shiro dropped as if dead, Ivy jumped and shrieked. Panicking in fear, Ivy swiftly grabbed Shiro and took a run for it, afraid she'd be dead if she stayed too long. Outside, she laid them on the cold green grass, wishing and hoping their friend hadn't actually died. Luckily, they didn't, they ended up waking up "Shiro!" Ivy exclaimed, "Good morning!" they greeted back, as if they hadn't blackout in the building, still kinder than a puppy. "You scared me to death!" Ivy exaggerated, later on rambling, "I'm glad you're okay,' Ivy concluded, sighing.

    The next morning Shiro went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror a bit, soon enough coming across a pentagram on their wrist when raising their left arm –they poked at it for a bit but later ignored it, – "Not worth my time," they'd mutter; Continuing on with their school morning.

    Later in the afternoon they heard whispers that consisted of, "Oi you!" or "Reply goddamn it!" The whispers had continued throughout the day but only until they arrived home had they realised the voice speaking to them the entire day. "Me?" Shiro asked, "DUH! Who else would it be? There's literally nobody else here!" the voice replied.

    "Well uhm... What's your name?" Shiro asked, "Nex," he stated, "Well uhm.. Where are you exactly...?" Shiro interrogated, curious about the so-called entity, 'Nex.' "I'm in your body, though if you close your eyes and try hard enough you could probably see me," he answered, "Then what are you?" Shiro was confused. "I'm a spirit," Nex scoffed, sounding more hostile; But he had been trying to get their attention all day so they didn't pay any mind to the change of tone.

    After a few weeks the heavens noticed a disruption. Nex started to trust Shiro, he spilled secrets and told him of his past life; How he died, his friends, and how he was backstabbed by the person he trusted most. – "I was exactly like you at a time– I was careless, too kind. Xe took advantage of that, he corrupted me, manipulated me into doing terrible things; Xe gaslighted me into thinking that I was the manipulator and that he was the victim– and then... he murdered me, in secret. Nobody knew the truth. He turned me into a vengeful spirit– and then I was taken into the heavens.. I found a ripple in time and saw you. It's as if you were exactly like me.. Except you were an alternate version," Nex would confess. – He'd never really spoken to anyone after that.

    Nex disrupted the timeline telling Shiro what had happened, the heavens realised they had to eliminate him before he became any more of a threat.

    Shiro was walking to school like usual. Everything was normal, Shiro had some plans to play more games with Nex as they had been recently playing video games together, that was their only thought until everything flashed white. There was a thing that looked like a swirl in the sky; it was a glowing yellow. Everything was bright like the sun; even the dark grey concrete roads. White things came out of the swirl like things– anonymous entities came flying out towards them– "RUN," Nex yelled at them; it was all they could hear.

    They ran. Nex told them to afterall; they didn't know what they were but Nex probably did– He talked about spirits and heaven after all; They wouldn't be surprised if he did.

    Thinking; He was trying to come up with a plan to get away, he knew he couldn't run for lo– CRASH! A cage surrounded him, he couldn't get out. "Calm down," Nex told him, "I- no.. We'll be fine," He reassured him but he was scared too, what would happen to them? Shiro looked at his surroundings, there was a pentagram on the floor around the cage, it was a banana like yellow and it glowed on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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