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Fun Fact: Alvie's name means wise friend.

I've decided I'm going to start asking random questions for the fun of it. Please feel free to answer them.

If you could choose to have any kind of magic, what would it be? I would choose to have water magic.


Alvie was right. It definitely  got worse. At least she only had to deal with two people before, maybe three if golden boy decided to talk to her too. But now there are A LOT of NEW PEOPLE. And all of them are magic knights.

One of them is even stronger than Muscle Man and Pretty Armor Women. She has wild red hair and a beast-like look in her eye. She reminds Alvie of a lion. Is she the scary royal lady? I hope not, but something tells me she is.

Yami was nice enough to put Alvie down. She's not going to run away. Her legs could somewhat work now, but Muscle Man and Pretty Armor Women are keeping a close eye on her. Plus, so far only a few other people seemed to notice her presence; most of the magic knights are focusing on what the scary lady is saying. Running now would draw even more attention.

Alvie noticed the change in the volcano. She became more alert, temporarily forgetting about all of the Magic Knights. The lava was gone now; the volcano stopped erupting.

Yami noticed the change in the little girl's ki. Glancing down at her, he was slightly thrown off by her expression. The way she stared at the crater reminded him of a certain magic nerd. Her eyes were all sparkly, like she had just been given the best present ever.

Water started pooling into the crater, making the area glow a crystal blue. Alvie watched in fascination as the area turned into a large hot springs. She wants to know what exactly causes this.

Alvie was about to run down there when she heard someone yelling. Tensing up, she remembered her current situation. She started going back into her magic-nerd-trance when a large wall of earth rose up, splitting the hot spring into two different baths. She was taken out of it again though when she heard Pretty Armor Lady speak.

"I'll watch over her for now, Yami."

"Sure. She's all yours, Prickly Queen."

Prickly Queen? Is that what she's called? Should I call her that instead? Alvie liked that better than 'Pretty Armor Lady,' so she decided to call her that instead.

"Who is this?" The scary lion lady walked up to the trio, eyeing Alvie. Alvie felt like a small rabbit being hunted, so she hid behind the closest thing she could. That thing just so happened to be Prickly Queen.

Charllote was surprised by the young girl's action, but she tried to recompose herself. Her thoughts however started traveling to what it would be like raising children with Yami, making her more flustered. 

"Pretty sure she's the wandering kid everyone's been talking about." Yami said, not noticing Charllote's flustered face.

"Oh?" Scary Lion smirked at Alvie, taking an interest in her. She walked closer to her and Prickly Queen, making Alvie cling to her tighter. "What's your name, kid?"

Alvie let out a quiet stream of mumbles and squeaks. This seemed to annoy Scary Lion, since her smirk turned into a frown. Alvie stopped trying to speak, and hid her face behind Prickly Queen. She had started shaking again, and was starting to cry from fear and frustration.

Mereoleona was actually more concerned than anything else. No child should be this afraid of the magic knights. And no child should be wandering around a dangerous place like this alone. Even she had waited until she received her grimoire. Not to mention this kid looked like she didn't get enough to eat.

Scary Lion let out a sigh before turning away. "You can tell us when you're ready. For now, let's go enjoy the hot spring." She said in a calm tone.

Alvie peeked out from behind Prickly Queen, looking at Scary Lion. She was surprised that Scary Lion didn't yell at her like she did those other magic knights.

Looking up, Alvie found Prickly Queen's eyes. She nodded, telling Prickly Queen that she was ready to go too. Prickly Queen smiled and started following Scary Lion. Alvie still clung to her, but not as closely as she had earlier.

Yami watched them go before going to his side of the bath. His thoughts had been similar to Mereoleona's. Looks like Julius was right. It's a good thing we found her.


Alvie regretted following Scary Lion and Prickly Queen. There were a lot of girls. Not as many as the men, but still more than she was comfortable enough. One of them, a tall dark-skinned girl, even yelled at her for clinging on to her Sis. Prickly Queen told her off though, and told the girl to call her Captain.

Alvie sat between Prickly Queen and Scary Lion. She was more comfortable with the two of them than anyone else, although she was still nervous. Alvie tried to ignore it by focusing on her surrounding instead. The water was nice and warm, and the stars looked really pretty.

Scary Lion offered Prickly Queen some sort of drink. Prickly Queen was trying to decline, but Scary Lion was insisting. What really caught Alvie's attention though was the small little girl with wings flying in front of them. When she bragged about being the wind spirit, Alvie's mind exploded.

I'm looking at the wind spirit right now! I should probably say something to her. Maybe I could learn something from her! But what should I say?  Alvie's eyes were sparkling just as much, if not more so, as they were when the volcano changed into a hot spring.

As if sensing the girl's change in attitude, Charllote, Mereoleona, and Bell all looked at her. They were all reminded of a certain Wizard King. They could see the curious questions in her mind, although she didn't ask them out loud.

"Who are you?" the spirit asked. She was giving Alvie an analyzing glare, but that didn't phase her one bit.

The spirit just asked me a question! I need to answer!

"A-a-alvie." She did it. She stuttered, but she did it. She was able to say something in front of complete strangers.

"Alvie?" Prickly Queen asked, checking if she heard right. Alvie nodded her head, face flushed from the heat and embarrassment. 

"Oh? You finally have the courage to speak." said Scary Lion.

"How long have you been traveling on your own for?" Charllote asked. The rumors started around three years ago, so it would have to be longer than that.

Alvie held up four fingers. She was looking down at the water, trying to become as small as possible.

Charllote and Mereoleona shared a look, knowing what Alvie meant. A certain spirit however was confused. Instead of questioning the girl further though, Bell decided to have a sip of the questionable drink. Shortly after she passed out though, freaking out Alvie.

In her panic, Alvie didn't notice Prickly Queen passing out as well. She also didn't notice the giant girl from earlier trying to help her captain recover. All of her focus was on making sure the great wind spirit didn't die.

Mereoleona watched it all, not really sure what to think.

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