Scarlett Drops- 4

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Holly snapple its been a heck of a weekend and more of an emotional roller coaster and so I'm getting it all out by writing if its dry mean witty comments I'm sorry I'm sorta of at a messed up stage. 


"Did you hear?!" I heard a girl whisper excitedly. 

"OMMGGG! Yes! UGH I heard he really does you know, cuts!" Another prep whispers! 

"Now we have two freaks!" I frowned knowing they meant me.  

" I don't know he seems major sexy! I mean he looks better than my hubbie JB!" I heard gasps.  

I raced out of the bathroom stall over their girly bullshit.  

"BLAHRAGHAHHAUGH!!!!" I yelped, as I ran into a wall. I get up and fall over again. What the hell?I know I didn't see a wall there when I was about to turn the corner,I heard a snicker as i tried to pull myself to my feet. Mumbling about the stupidly smart wall a pair of muscular arms pulled me up. 

What the hell? My eye sight evened as I looked into dark brown eyes covered by black hair. I push back the hair staring at him. What is this? He's another wanna be. I stare into his eyes, he smirks and winks at me.I squint at him and flipped out pushing back.He laughed, "So you're the other one." He said it as a statement more than a question.  

I fall over giggling laughing at his facial expression. " Are you high?!" He inquired seriously. 

My face got serious,"I, I, I, whoa were flying!" I turn in his arms and pull up my arms and start to run around with his hands on my hips.  

"Um what are we doing?" He wrapped his arms tighter around me, and curled his fingers around my belt loops. I turn a light color of pink and smile. 

"Whoa whoa there buddy you can't get into these panties until you buy me green bunny or a purple unicorn."  

He smiles "Well that's good cuz I eat unicorns," He said all cocky. 

My eyes widen,"Let goooooo! You ca-ca-can-i-bal!" I try to pull out of his arms but I end up sitting on the ground awkwardly, with his arms still holding my arms in the air. 

He tried to pull me up, but I wouldn't budge,"I don't eat humans silly!" 

I pout and cross my arms across my chest,"I knows dat but I'm a unicorn." 

He laughed really hard to the point were he was sitting next to me on the floor.  

He pulls me into his arms,I move gladly towards him,until I realized he was a complete and total stranger. I pull up trying to not be so close when he grabs my wrist and yanks it hard enough to open my tender skin after such damage it had taken through my angry even the cuts I had had for weeks would open straight up after one small pull.

"Your such an easy bleeder!" 

"Shut up,cause I've yet to see any of your blood. There's only one way to see, emo shake." He smiled. 

"Got a blade?I don't bring blades. I'm too smart for that." 

I smile, pulling out a chain I kept around my neck with five blades on it, pulling one off I smile, "I'm not." 

I grab his hand and was about to move his sleeve when a teacher popped his head into the hall way I heard a gasp and little feet scurrying away. Shit. 

I grab emo dudes hand and started to run. We got through the main building and ran through until we got to the courtyard. I turn to see no one with torches so naturally I got bored and stuck my leg out to trip his ass. But dumb ass me forgot he still was holding my hand. He fell first and I landed slightly ahead of him and my chest was sorta not in any area I wanted him in. He stiffened throughout his body and I do mean EVERY part of him. 

"Whoa there cow boy I ain't like that." I quickly pull myself downward so that our faces where even.  

"Yeah I kinda figured that, I'm sorry he gets excited easily." I laughed. 

"Come on, we're gonna get in a snapple load of trouble." He stands up saying. 

"Carry me!" I whine playing dead. 

"You're such a baby," he complained picking me up. 

I smiled. We walked into the school bridal style, getting dirty looks from all the hoes who thought they had a chance, I flipped them off as they grouped together to start a riot of rumors great!

"I'm Sandra, you know if that matters."  I mumble into his shoulder.

"It doesn't," he cracked a smile still walking. I play slap his face. His smile just deepens. 

We were half way to my locker when I felt his hand creep up to my ass. I hoped out of his hands, and ran to my locker. He smiled and ran after me. I ran by spinning the first numbers of my combination, I turn to see him gaining on me. I turn and ran in a circle.

Speeding by, I punched in the last of my locker combination, leaving it I ran a couple more laps,until I realized he wasn't chasing me anymore. He was in my locker looking through my make-up bag. I gasped running full speed jumping onto his back. His head slammed into the shelf, I seized the make-up bag.

 I sprinted into the parking lot searching for my crappy beaten up black truck. I was picked up  and hauled over to a random reddish car. "RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE AHHHHH!" I screamed on top of my lungs. Hmmm I wonder how it would sound if i screamed on the bottom of my lungs like hoooooooo? I seemed to have stopped to fighting because emo dude pulled me up and looked concernedly into my eyes. I giggled highly."Your ugggglllyyyy hehehehe," I giggled pushing his face away from mine. 

                         "Shit! I must have dropped you to hard back there." He said as his forehead creased up.

              I looked up in confusion, "WHAT?!?!"

                   Emo dude scoffed under his breath, "Your not that bright are you?"

                 I suck in breath,"How darith you!" I slap him. 

                             "Oh I darith!" He picks me up and shoves me into the pedophile car. 

 "Its Andrew," He whispers, I didn't really know what he meant by that so I just sat there.

     He gets in on the other side pulling his seat belt over his broad chest for to click in place,"Put your seat belt on,"

                   "Hmph," I turn my head away from him crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Your such a baby," he sighed as he leaned in and tugged the belt in tightly.

                          "NOOO! I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!!" I whine pushing him away as I undo the belt, and buckling it back in.

      He started the car mumbling something like 'pain in my ass'. I turn my head to the window and close my eyes. Just then I realize what he meant. His names Andrew.

*hour later*

"Mhhhghh," I open my groggy eyes to see a vast green field speeding past the windows on both sides.

          My eyes open widely,"Andy! Where are we?"


edit by flyleaf9



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