Chapter 04

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(Author note: this is the last flashback. Next chapter will be present day)

It had been about a year and half since that talk with your mom, Your now 17. You had spoken to Bucky about it and he felt the same way. You told him that you could continue being friends for now and see what happens in the future. 

A few months go by and The three of you had continued to hang together. However bucky and Steve began to hang out together more often without you. Which is ok but they grew distant with you. You began to get anxious. They didn't invite you anywhere for about a week.

You stayed home and enjoyed your time there. You helped your mom around the house and played with your dog. You also listened to music to pass the time.

- - -
One day you were sitting on your bed planning on taking a nap when you get a call. You pick up the telephone. "Hello?"

"Hey lera can you come to the park with me please" the sound of Steve's your bothers voice asked. You could never say no to him. "Of course I will come and get you."

"Ok see you soon bye"

You hung the phone back on the wall and put on your shoes. You were wearing a dress cause it was really warm out with a slight breeze. You walked to Steve's house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened "hey lera". ""Hey you ready to go" he nodded and you both walked to the park.

It was in the middle of the day and the sun was low on the ground. The shy was getting dark but you were still able to see without the street lights. You and Steve's brother made conversation the whole way. he was like the brother you never had. He was adorable. He was 11 now cause you and Steve had always been 6 years older than him. Once you both arrived you seen lights strewn about and a picnic by the trees. You smiled and walked over to it and sat down on the blanket. You then seen a piece of paper and it said

-look behind you-

You looked behind you and seen Bucky standing there with flowers. You blushed and ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him. Bucky laughed and dropped the flowers onto the blanket before wrapping his arms around you.

Once you both pulled away you looked up at him. "Is this what you have been planning doing this whole time?" You asked and Bucky smiled "yes it was I had a hard time finding the perfect way to do this but Steve and his brother helped me out."

You then noticed Steve's brother had gone back home and you shook your head.

You looked around and were confused. "Where's Steve isn't this where we are all supposed to hang out?"

Bucky shook his head "you were always quite oblivious to people making a move on you" that caused you to laugh.

Bucky grabbed your hands and you looked up into his eyes. "Elara we are in the same spot we met when we were only children. This is where we became friends." He took a deep breath. "This is also where I hope we could become something more...would you like to be my girlfriend".

You smiled the biggest you ever had. "Yes omg Bucky" you jumped into his arms and he wrapped his arms around you holding you close to him. You had tears in your eyes. He pulled back and put you on the ground. You were gazing into each other's eyes when he spoke "may I kiss you" you nodded.

I'm only a matter of seconds his lips where on yours. It was a passionate kiss, you had your arms wrapped around his neck and his were on your waist. You guys pulled away and smiled at each other as he walked you to the area with the picnic.

You both sat down on the blanket and ate the food he prepared. He had made you favorite meal and you smiled. You both talked and laughed as he told you stories about Steve though out the week. He also told you how your mom was in on this whole thing and that's why she kept you as busy as possible this past week.

Once you were both done talking he turned and put on music. You smiled as you noticed it's your favorite slow song. You felt Bucky stand up and he held out his hand. You placed your hand in his and he brought you close to him. You not begin dancing to the song.

Omg his moment you swore it was like in those movies where time slowed down for the main character. He held you on the waist as you both swayed to the music. You placed your head on his chest and heard the sound of his heart beating. You smiled to yourself and closed your eyes. You were caught off guard when Bucky grabbed your hand and spun you.

You laughed as he brought you back into his arms and dipped you at the end of the song. He brought you back up. You laughed and you pulled him close to you and just enjoyed being in his arms.

The moment was cut short when he noticed how late it was. "Shit your moms going to kill me if your out late" you laughed knowing your mom didn't care as long as she know who you were with.

You helped Bucky pack everything up. Once you were done and ready to start walking home he grabbed your hand and you smiled. You loved the feeling of his hand in yours. You both talked and laughed all the way to your door. Once you got to your door he turned and looked at you. "Elara you amaze me. You have amazed me since that day at the park all those years ago. I would very much like for you yo keep amazing me" you smiled and looked down to the ground.

He smiled and put his hand under your chin and tilted your head so you were looking at him. He seen how your face blushed at his touch. "May I kiss you again" he asked and you nodded. " you don't have to ask every time you know" he smirked and pressed his lips against yours. It was a quick kiss considering your mom could open the door any moment but it was still filled with emotion.

Once you pulled away you gave him a hug. "I'll see you later barnes" you spoke quietly.

"Goodnight princess" he replied and you rolled your eyes playfully "I only answer to doll. Not princess. James"

Bucky laughed "goodnight doll" you smiled "goodnight Bucky"

You walked inside and your mom was in the kitchen cleaning and once she heard you come in. You ran to her and squealed. "Mom he's finally mine..he finally wants me" you began crying happy tears. Your mom hugged you and said "he would be crazy not too. My daughter is worthy of anyone" you both pull away and say goodnight.

You walked into your room and out on your pjs and climbed into bed and cuddled with a pillow.

This was the first day out of many that you could call yourself buck's  girlfriend.

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