Chapter Six- Silence

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"I will kill you!" Gon whispered angrily as his cock was being stroked with utmost precision. Killua knew what he was doing, that much was obvious. But what bother Gon was that all his sweet spots, everything sensitive on his cock was being touched. Everything that wasn't heightened, was heightened. Gon wanted it to stop...he did...right?

He hated this, Gon fucking hated this. Gon wanted to know how Killua knew his body so well. "Gon," Killua whispered back. "You won't kill me because you want it as bad as I do." Killua chuckled then continued. "You won't kill me because you want me to make you cum."

This was true, Gon was able to withstand many orgasms and go for more, and it seems that Killua would be able to hold up that stamina. Gon was sixteen, turning seventeen, so yes, he has had some sexual encounters, but never anywhere could someone stay awake as long as he could. Someone could cum as much as he did, someone to be close to him. To his endurance.

Could Killua rise to Gon's standards?

Gon inhaled a sharp breath, pleasure building in his legs and surprisingly his feet. When the hell did his cock pleasure spread to his feet? "Sure, maybe that's true, but a sensible person wouldn't do this in class." A moan brushed past his lips and a girl next to him turned her head and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Gon tried to force a smile, but a squeeze to his dick stopped him from doing so. Gon moaned loudly and the girl look down to see a pale hand on a tan cock. Her eyes widened but she didn't look away. In fact, she kept her eyes locked on Gon's cock...on Gon's growing moans. He quickly silenced himself a bit too late. The whole class stared at him.

This is one way to start an impression.

The students, including Mr. Knuckles, watched him. The teacher grimaced at the interruption and yelled. "Since you know so much, answer this question!" 

Gon's eyes widened and Killua gave him a smirk then said, "Gon, if you would like me to help you solve it, I can." Killua teased, stroking faster, gripping harder.

Gon's eyes almost rolled back, then he heard the teacher say, "No! This was his fault! Unless you take part in this too?!"

Killua gasped dramatically, "No sir, I would never disobey! This is all Gon, maybe it would teach him to stop making noises in class." He gripped Gon's appendage tighter.

Gon glared at Killua and attempted to answer the question, but before he could make another noise, Killua gasped again. "Oh no! Something is on the floor and it seems like a mess. Let me clean it, Mr. Knuckles, I know you hate messes." The white-haired boy bent down under the desk and immediately got between gon's legs.

He then whispered, "Gon, I will never be the one on my knees nor will I ever submit, but you are an exception. Now be a good boy and answer the question while I suck on your precious cock."

Killua was then sucking the life out of his cock, again. The girl didn't cease to stop paying attention to the two boys, she kept staring. And Gon had a question to answer. "Um..." He started, though even that almost came as a moan. "The answer is..." Another soft moan. "I'm sorry, what was the question?"

"Look on the board." That was the only time Mr. Knuckles seemed calm, which was scaring him.

Gon looked on the board and what he saw, shocked him. The question stated, 'Are you masturbating in class?'

When the other students saw his shock, they took a peek at the board and busted into fits of laughter.

Along with Killua.

Fucking traitor

I swear if Mr. Knuckles sends him to detention...

"Go to the principles office!"

That's even worse.

Though, as he tried to stand up, Killua pushed him back down, still showing no mercy. Gon looked down to see Killua's smug expression, even while he was sucking gently and massaging Gon's balls, he had the nerve to be smug. He already knew this school year was going to be a problem, but never in his life would he think it would be this bad. "Sir, I'm failing in this class and-"

"You should have thought of that when you started choking the chicken."


"Don't lie to me, this is math and you have very good grades in math, you have decent English. It seems in your files, all you have to do is work on your writing, reading, social studies, and comprehension."


He was close to orgasm.

"Sir, I don't think it is smart-" and his orgasm came. It was bigger than the one in the bathroom. Gon didn't know if it was because he was under pressure or if it was because there was more stimulation. Either way, this was a problem.

Killua licked up the cum and tucked Gon's cock back into his pants, "You may go to the principles office now," he whispered mockingly.

And Gon walked out of the classroom feeling angry and defeated.


Gon sat in the principles office, waiting for his turn to be accused of something. Why didn't he just tell Mr. Knuckles that Killua was causing all the ruckus and not him? Now he was stuck in this situation that he really didn't want any problems with. Killua was bothering him, that much was obvious, so he just has to avoid him, which in his head, seems impossible. But he hopes it's possible.

Gon sat back in his chair and lolled his hand back, he didn't want to be angry, he was never usually angry, but today, all of the wrong buttons were pushed...he was pissed. The door opened and Gon didn't even bother to look. If it was Killua, he would be getting expelled for attempted murder. But when someone sat next to him, it was not Killua, it was that chick who was staring at them!

Gon was mad at her too.

He rolled his eyes and looked the other way, then she said, "I am so, so sorry. But why didn't you say something?"

Gon didn't have an answer to that so he retorted, "And why didn't you?"

The girl looked down in shame, her blond hair covering her petite features. "I can't. Killua has fucked boys and girls on this campus and used their secrets against them so they can keep silent."

Gon sat up straighter in his chair, shocked at this new information. "Wait, so everything he does, he makes people keep it a secret?"

"Yes! He will get under your skin and make you tell him everything, and when he finds something valuable, he will use it against you." She says, shaking. "Usually, he tries to know somebody first, he's observant. Then, when he knows enough he know."

Gon slumped again, shocked.

The girl continued, "This is why we all need your help."

The Pervert On My Block {[Killugon]}Where stories live. Discover now