Chapter 2

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" I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where to go from there" - The perks of being a wallflower

"Have you seen the new guy? Apparently he's having biology with us. Sam. Seriously. He's like... haaaandsome" Kim popped up as I took my books.

"Yeah, I have English with him. He called me 'gorgeous'" I closed my locker.

"Oh my god!" Kim shouted "I told you it was time for a new boyfriend! I'm like an oracle. But seriously, Sam, take him before Whitney "Hoe" takes him"

"You know who'll win"

We walked quiet as Zayn walked up next to me. Kim suddenly became very interested in her phone.

"Hey there. We didn't really introduce each other previously. I'm Za..." he got interrupted by me.

"I know. You're Zayn Malik. You're from the UK and you live here with your grams. And you move a lot. We're practically already friends" I said, but then I felt Kim jabbing me with her elbow. "I'm Sam. Samantha Coleman"

"A pleasure to meet you Samantha" he smirked. "Are you from here?"

"Born and raised" I said, as we went through the door to the classroom.

The jealous looks I got from the other girls in the room told me, we've looked like a couple. Still I hadn't known him for more then a couple of minutes.

I quickly took my seat next to Kim, to get away a little from Zayn, but he took the seat on the other side of me, still with that perfect smile on his lips.

"Today, and three weeks from now, we're going to work with a chapter I think you'll like. Open page 87 everyone!" miss Cox asked us, as she wrote '87' on the whiteboard.

I opened the page. Why did she expect us to like insects?  

I looked at Zayn, who already was staring at me. And he smiled. I turned around to miss Cox again, as a strange feeling filled my body. Like I was watched, and I didn't know who it was, but I still liked it.

What was this boy doing to me?


"Well if you're so obsessed with him, why don't you just ask him out yourself?" I asked Kim, with my mouth full of potatoes. We sat under a tree with a couple of friends of ours, eating our lunch.

"I just want you to be happy again, Sammy. He seems really sweet, he would take care of you when I can't" Kim replied bringing the mineral water to her lips.

"Kim, I can't even say that I know him. And you're, like, already planning our wedding"

"Can I join you guys?"

I turned my head to see Zayn, just standing there, smiling.

"Sure!" Kim said, "hey guys, this is Zayn!"

"Hi bro, I'm Jace" Jace shocked hand with Zayn.

"I'm Jess"


"The name's Ric"

"And I'm Rose"

They all smiled at him, then thy returned to their own business.

"We were jut talking about you" Kim said. Could that woman never keep her mouth shut?

"No, we were talking about Sumer break, haha" I stared at Kim. She ignored me.

"Tell us about you! Why did you move here?"

Zayn laughed at her enthusiasm. "It's kind of complicated actually. My grandpa died, so my grandma needed someone to live with, because she sold her house because there was too much grandpa there. And she refuses to stay on a... Like a home for old people? Anyway, my mum doesn't want her to live with us, so someone had to move with her, cuz we were all she had left. I was the only willing one in my family. And my grandma hasn't very many years left, so she sol everything she had so we could get out of there. We've lived in many of her favorite cities, Paris, Barcelona, Sydney, and now New York."

"Wow... How long have you been living without your family? I asked.

"For two years. But I don't mind, I prefer this life. I have seen so much of the world"

"I've never been outside North America" I said, making a sad face.

"North America isn't bad at all! I mean, c'mon. You have Montana, Florida, Texas, Seattle, Hollywood, Toronto, New York" he laughed.

"Nothing compared to Paris" I complained.

"Anyway Zayn, do you want to come to my party next Friday? It's like a tradition, and there's always a lot of people there." Kim asked. I stared at her, again.

"Could you excuse us a moment?" I got up on my feet, and almost dragged Kim away.

"Are you completely crazy? How could you invite him? He could be a serial killer!" I mumbled in her ear.

"Samantha, stop. It's God's wish. I said you needed a boyfriend, and then this handsome boy pops up and calls you gorgeous and wants to eat lunch with you. Of course I have to invite him to my party. And I never know half of the people there anyway" Kim mumbled back.

"But...ugh. Fine" I said, and then we went back to the tree.

"I'd love to come" Zayn smiled, as we sat down again.

"I hope your grandma won't get mad, cause you're gonna be home late"

A/N: I'M SO TERRIBLE SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE UPDATE!!! It's school and homework, and also, I'm doing this a little old school way. I write this down on paper first, then I write it down on my phone, then I mail it to my computer and then I copy and post here. And that kinda takes time; especially the "from paper to phone" part.

Anyway, this isn't a very... well-read story. so I'd LOVE you if you share it. I mean it. it would mean crazy much.


- smilla

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