Chapter 15 Crying

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A hand came contacting his face, abruptly, wake Jungwon up. He saw jay, that was sleeping beside him, still deep in his slumber that he accidentally hit his face.

Jungwon sighed and try waking the older up.

" Jay hyung, wake up. " Suprisingly, Jay really did woke up after Jungwon said that. He was a bit shocked since the older was a heavy sleeper.

" Wow, you wake up! " Jungwon wowed, Jay rolling his eyes.

" I'm still not used of this place that's why. "

The two fixed themselves and decided to check on Niko. The baby was adorable and they couldn't have enough of him. They just wanna squish its cheeks and play with him all day.

As Jay twisted the doorknob of Niki and Sunoo's shared room, Jungwon peaked and secretly squealed.

" Oh my, they're so cute! "

" Shh you'll wake them up. "

The two saw Niki and Sunoo cuddling together in the bed while they are still asleep. Niki's arms tangled around Sunoo's waist, Sunoo having his arms together wrapped in Niki's neck, his head on the crook of the younger's neck, both still asleep and snoring.

Jungwon could only envy the two even though their relationship isn't clear yet. But he feels something is going between the two of them and his heart is fluttering about it.

He knows Sunoo's untold feelings for the
younger after all.

Jay and Jungwon slowly tiptoed towards Niko's crib to check on him. They saw the baby is already awake and was quietly playing with its puma pacifier. The two cooed, deciding to bring the kid with them outside and make breakfast already too, for all of them.

" Come here sweetie, let's take you outside while your dads are still sleeping. " Jungwon softly whispered with a gentle smile and gently carried Niko, who didn't even budge and just keep staring at Jay. Jay noticed it and give the baby a sweet smile on the lips.

Niko then let out a low chuckle making the two boys chuckle too as they make their way to the kitchen.

The sun peaking out from the window make Sunoo open an eye. He felt a weight on his waist and his arms tangled on something. When he saw his position with Niki, he felt nervous all of the sudden but it make him fluttered at the same time. That tingly feeling is attacking him again and that's only when Niki is around him.

He slowly tried removing Niki's arms but the grip was tight. He sighed and just let it be as he raised his head a little to check on Niko. A rush of adrenaline made Sunoo's heart wildy beat, seeing the white crib beside them was empty.

Sunoo shaked Niki, the younger hummed.

" Niki, Niko is gone! "

Unbothered, Niki now placed his arms on Sunoo's hips.

" Maybe he's with the other hyungs. They stayed remember? And if you're thinking a thief or someone broke into the house and steal him, don't even think about it. "

" Heeseung hyung slept on the couch, you know Heeseung hyung is a light sleeper those bastards can't escape to him. " Sunoo calmed down at Niki's explanation. He's right.

After a few more minutes of staying in bed together, the two decided to get up and go outside. Sunoo was just sitting on the bed waiting for Niki who's in the bathroom.

" Let's go. " Niki said coming out of the bathroom. Sunoo nodded and leave the room first, Niki following.

Soon as they reached the kitchen, they saw Jungwon and Jay feeding Niko with mashed carrots based on the color and texture of the food, Heeseung on one of the stools spacing out the white tin smokes of his coffee floating around his face.

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