Special Chapter 2 " What if "

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What if it is not really a dream and Sunoo left leaving Ni-ki all alone who got married to Jihae after that but, Sunoo took Niko with him?

What if?

" Let's go on a date! " Jihae squealed coming out of the bathroom wearing a red cocktail dress, a pair of five inches tall high heels and her face having a natural makeup look.

Ni-ki reading a book on the bed remove his eyeglasses and codly scanned her from head to toe then going back again on his book. Jihae irritatedly stomped her heels crossing her arms.

" Ni-ki! I said let's go on a date. "

" You can go alone. "

" You know what happens if i don't get i want, Ni-ki. So get up there and act like my husband. " Jihae narrowed her eyes on the blond boy. She smiled seeing him finally move from their bed and walked pass her like she's air. It hurted her but because she's finally sharing his surname she ignore the feeling. She already got him for herself.

As the two walk downstairs Ni-ki saw his and Jihae's parents greeting them down on the living room. He sighed. It's showtime again.

Taking a deep breath, he held Jihae's hand and intertwined it with his fingers imagining it was his hand. Jihae on the other hand got her heart fluttering though she knows it was just for show.

" Hello, Mr and Ms Lim, mom and dad. " Ni-ki greeted. Jihae blew them a flying kiss making the oldies chuckle.

" How's finally being married for years hm? Does it still feels new?" Mr Lim asked. Mr Nishimura and their wives looked at them waiting for their answers.

" Absolutely fun! I love being with Ni-ki all the time. " Jihae squealed and lay her chin on the blond's shoulder.

" That's sweet. How about you, Ni-ki? " Now it was Mr. Nishimura, his eyes warning him inside not say something against. Ni-ki faked a smile and pretend to put an arm on his wife's waist.

" We're fine. Jihae is lovely. " Liar. How could someone who stole his freedom and happiness be lovely? The fact that she almost ruined him and almost the reason too why Sunoo left and took Niko away from him.

" That's nice. I guess you two had a date, you can go now we'll just stay here for some talk and tea sessions. " Smiling, Jihae kissed her dad on the cheek and hugged Mr. Nishimura along with the two women.

It takes an hour ride for the two to arrive at the very famous tourist spot which is a very big garden place Jihae wanted them to be in. Jihae dragged Ni-ki on a spot full of roses and took thousands photos of it.

" Ni-ki! Fix your position! I want to be in a nice angle and make sure it's not blurry and awkward. " With that, Ni-ki scowled feeling his back hurt for taking countless of pictures for almost half an hour already then there's Jihae, still not stopping and being demanding like what she is.

" Can i take a break? I need to go to the bathroom. "

" Fine. Make sure you comeback here. "

On Ni-ki's way trying to find a bathroom, he saw a little boy holding a sunflower. He's wearing a cute puma jumper and a pair of little white shoes. He looked like a 5 year old kid and by the looks of it, he's lost and almost on the verge of tears. Ni-ki didn't hesitate anymore to approach the kid.

Ni-ki kneeled on the ground and softly tap the little boy's shoulder to get his attention.

" Hey kiddo, are you lost? " At the question, Ni-ki lost his balance when the kid suddenly throw himself to him. He gently rub his back as he heard low muffled sniffling sounds on his chest.

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