Chapter 2

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The ambulance flew into the emergency bay at the hospital seconds after coming to its stop the doors barged open as Alex was rushed further in swarmed by doctors and nurses each seeming to know their part like a symphony of medical care. Not a minute later and the other of the two twins rushed past in the same direction. 

"why aren't we going with them... they need us we need to go." Michael whimpered into Rodger's  Shoulder as he headed for the reception desk. 

" We can't go with them right now buddy the doctors and nurses need space to do their jobs but we will see them as soon as we can okay." He assured the sobbing boy as they reached the desk.

" Hi how can I help you?" the woman asked as she became aware of Rodger's presence.

" Yeah... Umm... Sorry I've never done this before... This is Michael Allison him and his brothers who were just rushed back have had a rough evening the EMT looked him over but said a doctor should still take a look at him." 

"Umm sure" a small amount of confusion took the woman's face in response to Rodger " Are you a parent or guardian of the boy's" 

"N...Not exactly... I'm the cop that was on scene of the incident I'm just here to look after everyone until.... well until CPS can make it out... I guess?" 

"okay well we can get this young man looked at for sure and we will keep you updated on the other two just sign these papers please. Just lets the hospital know you are acting as an emergency guardian for the boys while in the line of duty." 

Rodger filled out the paperwork almost feeling as if he was signing his life away he prodded Michael for as much medical info as the young boy could give before handing it back to the woman behind the desk. The two took a seat in the waiting room nervously waiting for some kind of development. A short while later they were called back to a observation room where the nurse began the arduous task of attempting to get the young sad and squirming boy's vitals.

" Michael please let the man do his job" Rodger pleading receiving a shake of the head in response followed buy Michael burying himself into Rodger as deep as he could. 

" Oh!! I know how about we do dads first so you can see what its like and then when you see there is nothing to be afraid of we can do yours. Ill even let you help me how's that sound." Rodger was about to protest on being labeled the father of the young boy. When Michael looked up from his shoulder and nodded his head. A small smile Adorning his face. " you want to come sit with me or stay with Dad?" 

"Ill stay with him"

Sighing Rodger rolled up his sleeve as the nurse began taking his vitals explaining everything as he went and making Michael a part of the experience. After finishing on Rodger Michael eagerly awaited his turn slipping from the blanket he had been wrapped in. Rodger suddenly remembered the boy was nearly naked as he saw his bare torso become exposed. Though it turned out to be a good thing as previously undiscovered bruising covered the young form. After vitals were taken the nurse began carefully observing Michael's body a look of obvious concern taking over his face the more he discovered. Michael's body was nearly covered not only in fresh bruises but also many old and faded scratches, cuts, and scares. It took everything Rodger had in him to keep clam seeing such horror.

"Umm... Sir can I speak to you outside for just a moment?" The nurse asked with eyes of unbridled rage.

"S...sure can you sit right here for just a moment buddy we will be right outside." Michael nodded as he was placed in the seat previously occupied by Rodger. The two men stepped outside of the room as the door closed Rodger Sharply exhaled " Holy shit that makes me want to vomit who could do..." Rodgers words were cut short.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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