Saving harry

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Hiiii guys as the story starts to continue after thisnchapter i will be using my own fanart so it wont be as amazing as the ones ive used so far tw: abuse

As remus and sirius stormex out of dumbeldores office and out of hogwarts they ran to hogsmade to the apparation point they apparated to a fueld aboit an hour away from private drive they didnt realise it was so late so they apperated to mognolia cresent instead they made the right decision once they got to private drive they searched for number 4 remus found it they were not prepared for the sight infromt of them thay saw vernon in the cubord undwr the stairs hurting harry they could see the poor boy was coverd in brouises and cuts as vernon was about to drag him into the kitchen remus dug kut his wand from his bag mutterd alohamora amd they went in to vernon holding harry in the sink filled wIth roasting watter sirius hexed vernon while remus grabbed harry wrapped a couple warm blackets he transfigure from old towels and grabbed harrys deer teddy it was completley staind with blood he threw it in his bag decidimg to wash it when they g9t home thats when he realised how light harry was he shifted harry into his other arm and grabbed sirius by the arm walking himout of the. House they appareated to there house grimwald place wich they had already completely transformed they dropped the bag off in there room harey had fell asleep so they put him in there crib they went down to the living room sirius had stayed wuth harry remus flooed Into the hospital wing knocked at madame pomfreys door she answerd she asjed in akind tone why remus had came to ge t her at this time all he could mange to say was harry dursleys help poppy understood imediatley she could tell remus was exhausted she could imagine the state sirius was in she took remus and flooed back to grimwald place remus took her to harry she gasped sge told remus and sirius to go to bed she had harry fixed up in no time thankfully all harry would neex is plenty of rest and love she managed to nurse him back to health with a few spells . She stayed with harry that night when she wokeup she made brekfast woke everyone up and left

Holy 4 hundred and 17 words byeee

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