Tutor | Joon-yeong

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I've been thinking about not making anymore cuz someone y'all been hating I don't if it's a joke or not, but it hurt me. Especially with My first smut book

Please be nice to me in the comments and i did try so hard to make this book the best, hope y'all can understand that :))

Name: Y/n
Age: 16
Sex: Female


"Miss,Y/n" the teacher suddenly Spoke making my head turn to him "Yes?" I hummed as I wait for his answer

I felt someone staring at me , which I didn't like, peaking slightly to my shoulder i saw a glance of Joon-yeong with his eyes on me

I blush immediately and turn my attention back to my teacher "You've been failing my class recently, and I suggest you should Study harder, like your sister" he spoke as he turn to my sister, his smile Widening as he spoke my sister's name

Teacher pet, I thought as I try so hard not to roll my eyes in annoyance

I cleared my throat as I try to keep my voice even "Of course sir, I'll try" I replied back as I turn my head across the room, seeing my sister slightly look at me with pity

she had perfect grades she'll never understand

"Nam-ra, will you tell us the answer to number 6?" The teacher changed the subject as if nothing happened, my sister's voice became blurry as I zone out

Not fully understanding what my teachers lesson as I stare at my notebook, Giving myself lecture in my mind as I didn't give any attention to all of the teacher until it was time to go home

"Uhm..Hey Y/n?" Someone spoke behind me as I headed out the classroom, I turn around spotting my crush as he awkwardly give me a small smile "I-i was thinking..Maybe I could tutor you...and I'm free so.." he finished awkward as he played with his hands

I smile a little, not fully believing what I've heard, as my heart pounding against my chest, him wanting totur me? IS THIS A DREAM?!
I can't help but scream in my mind as I didn't know what to reply, I mean it's my crush!

Oh my god.. he's waiting for me to reply, think Y/n!

"R-really? Are you sure?" I muttered Happily, my wide smile still on my face

"100%" he smiled happily "So..?" He trailed off as he scratch his neck nervously, his eyes never leave mine

I smile and nodded my head "Sure, you wouldn't mind if we study in my house?" I question him my eyebrows high

His eyes immediately went wide as his smile Started windeing "y-yeah, o-of course" he replied, his cheek beganing to turn red

"Great, come on"



"What does this even mean?" I groan as I peak at Joon-yeong shoulder, he chuckle as he hold the pen in his hand "See, here? You should add numbers" I can't help but stare at his side profile as I didn't give any attention to what's his saying

He's so handsome with his glasses

"hey, Y/n?" Him saying my name making me pull back in reality, shaking my head as i clear my throat "Y-yeah?" I muttered clearly embarrassed as he caught me staring at him

He just chuckle as he continue to teach me, this time I was trying so hard to to stare at his face

After a few minutes of studying I finally get the hang of it "Ohhhhh" I smile as I finally understand this Mother fucking math questions

"Yeah? And now.." I didn't know what came to my mind as i Slowy put my hands in his, feeling him slightly flinch as his face beganing to burn, quickly he look at the bed we're sitting at to try to cover the blush

"Joon-yeong, is there something you want me to do in return? You've been teaching me for hours now" I said in sweet tone

His face who is still red , as he anxiously look around the room "I-uhm.. I don't know" he stuttered his words as he kept playing with his hands


Without hesitation, I lift his head up with my fingers, seeing his face now bright red "Are you sure?" I Teaslyn ask I Slowy lean my face in his, close enough to feel his warm breath

I saw his Adam apple bop as he gulped thickly, his hands to his side, his eyes still wide open as he try to think for words

I chuckled as my hands find it way to cupped his Cheek, slightly caressing it with my Thumbs as his face continue to burn

"There has to be something..Think Joon-yeong" I muttered, trying to find his eyes as he continue to avoid my eyes

I saw his eyes slightly open as his eyes scan my cleavage also making my head turn to where is he looking at "You want me?" I Said in seduce tone as I bit my lower lip, my head tilting to the side as I wait for his answer

"No- I-i mean Yes..! I mean.." he trailed off as he continue to stare at my breast but quickly turn around as he inhale sharply "I-im sorry I didn't mean-" I didn't even finish his sentence as I crash my lips in his soft lips, he gasp as I saw his eyes widen in surprise but quickly melt into the kiss as he move his lips with mine

That was the most precious moments I've ever experienced in my whole life

I smile as my hand who is still in his cheek beganing to wrap around his neck, quickly I sat down on his lap

Feeling his hands also on my waist as we both pulled our body even closer

I can't help but kept moaning in his mouth, the way he kiss me felt so good

As we continue kissing, his hands sliding on my back up and down making me shiver, we didn't even pulled away to catch our Breath as we passionately kiss each other, it wasn't a rough makeout session, Everytime we move our lips together felt so genuinely, it's like we've been waiting for this moment to happend

I didn't even know I've supposed to be studying, but this is more important, the schoolworrks can wait..




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