Period | Gyeong-su

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Name: Y/n
Age: 17
Sex: female



"Did you see that? I kill that guy in second!" My boyfriend continue to yell at he play his game not even Giving me attention i deserve "shit, shit run!" He yelled laughing slightly

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"Did you see that? I kill that guy in second!" My boyfriend continue to yell at he play his game not even Giving me attention i deserve "shit, shit run!" He yelled laughing slightly

Huffiing i turn my body around, suddenly i felt a sharp pain sting on my Private area making me yelp in pain

Cramps, i thought as i shut my eyes close the pain getting worst

This caught Gyeong-su attention, quickly he put his headphones down and look at me worriedly " What happend? Are you alright?"

"No...I had period" i muttered as i continue to squeeze my stomach to vet the awful pain away but never work

"Alright boys, time to care of my girlfriend, see ya tomorrow" he said Quickly and went down to seat on the couch beside me

"Do you need something?" He asked sweetly, his warm hand Caressing my thighs as he look at me with concerned written all over his face "Tell me" he said his eyes Never leave mine

"Uhm.. Would you please cook me something?" i said with a pout
" Im hungry" i added

"Anything for you" he said giving me quick kiss on the cheek, looking at me one last time as he stood up and walk towards the kitchen

Smiling i went to grab my phone on my pocket, quickly i unlocked it and text my boyfriend

Smiling i went to grab my phone on my pocket, quickly i unlocked it and text my boyfriend

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I heard a chuckle coming from the Kitchen as i heard him yell " I love you too!"

After a few minutes of waiting, Gyeong-su finally came out, a foods on his hands as i smell the amazing foods he cooked for me

Licking my dry lips i sat up properly, A happy smile on his face as he sat beside me "See? I even cook a food for you! Would you trust me walking you home tonight?" He said sweetly, his dimples showing

Rolling my eyes, i cupped his cheek with my cold hands "Of course" i said giving him a kiss on the cheek as i caress it with my thumbs "Not" I added a evil smirk on my lips as i heard him groan

"Come on! I promise i wouldn't prank you ever again!" He said, but I didn't even fall for it as i rolled my eyes and put away my hands "Not after you made me fall down the stairs" i replied back

This time he gasp dramatically " COME ON Y/N THAT ONE WAS AN ACCIDENT" he yelled getting defensive

Caressing my forehead as i let out a shaky breath "shhh, my head hurts, be quiet" i muttered, this make him finally shut up but still looking at me with puppy eyes

I Chuckle and put my hands on top of his "thank you Gyeong-su" i Soflty smile at him

He quickly smile back and nodded his head "No problem" he sign as he already gave up trying to convince me

My hands almost touch the chopsticks but quickly Gyeong-su hit my hand gently, making me look at him confused
"What was that for?" I

"I'll do it, don't worry" he said Holding the chopsticks, soft smile on his lips as he put the foods on my lips "ah" he said opening his mouth as he sign me to open mine too

"I'll do it, don't worry" he said Holding the chopsticks, soft smile on his lips as he put the foods on my lips "ah" he said opening his mouth as he sign me to open mine too

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Chuckling i do as he says, a smile on my lips as he continued to feed me

After we we're done, Gyeong-su Decided we should watch a movie together called 'Your name'

Quickly i said yes, my head resting on his shoulder, his hands on my waist as our body so close together keeping us both warm, a soft blanket cover us while watching the movie




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