Gunthr got the News that someone has killed his men, and left a note for him "You'll pay for your sins". He called all his best Knights to defend himself. Among them, One was "Domen- his gigantic height, and his ruthless behaviour towards his enemy earned him a nick name- Demon". All he needed was an order from the king and he would do it no matter what! He had this scar on his cheek which made him look more scary. And to him called the king and gave him the task to find the man who was responsible for death of his men. The king also gave him some of his finest men, so that it won't kill their time as they had to attack other places and conquer it. (Domen was not too good with people. He was a loner, but however everyone knew him as "The gigantic Demon". Some says he's seen with kids in the orphanage where he was grown. He gave some of his earning to that orphanage.) Domen before leaving went to his orphanage which he always did before any war or king's assigned task......
Domen with king's men left to find the man, so that he and his fellow comrades could bring the guy responsible for his king's trouble. They scattered in all direction while Domen himself went to West with his intuition that whoever did this will go for the king eventually...
Domen with continuous horse riding for 2 days found a guy with a kid, he had a sword covered with black shawl....he was too young to have a kid of his own and the sword. He asked with the guy "who the kid was?". And he said "It's a curse for this little kid who couldn't see his parents, I saw her as I passed by, and couldn't leave her there.So, I picked her up with me." Anyone who would see Domen feels something sinister. May be his gigantic height on top of that the scar and with sword and shield could scare even the devil. The guy was alert too, ready to pick up fight. It's like he had the intuition that Domen might hurt him and the kid. But Domen said "l'm not going to hurt you, but give me the baby you have. There's the orphanage in the Capital. She'll be cared and grown with full love." But the guy said "I have nobody but this kid, I'll find myself and her a good life. I need someone as my parents were killed brutally too. You don't take care about her." Domen said "ok,kid but remember, if something happens to that baby you're holding, i'll come for you and slice you alive in two halves". And he said "don't you worry, she'll be safe and fine with me..I promise you that". Domen noticed it was already dusk. So he decided to camp there for tonight and he offered them hospitality. Who could've thought Domen could be this soft under that scar and his gigantic height.
(they ate and it was time to sleep.......)
And they both went to sleep, Domen woke up as he heard the sound of sword clinging and someone grunting. He also noticed that the young guy is missing. He quickly rushed towards the sound, there he noticed that the young guy was practicing with his sword. Domen thought "at this young age, this guy is this good at using sword". But Domen noticed his flaws, he was knight already he could give him a good teach. So Domen approached the young guy and asked "why kid? why u're practicing sword at this night?" And the young guy replied "It's just that i couldn't sleep and for my protection as today's world is full of danger people. On top of that, I want to be a reputed knight just like you". Domen said "What do u even know about knights? The people you kill haunts you, doesn't let you sleep. "The young guy said "someone had different opinion that knights can make this place better, and i want to make it better for the baby who's asleep now". Domen said then do it the better way, here let me teach you "Dodge and attack requires both physical and mental power, and if u master it. You master the art of war. Meaning You're knight". Domen and the guy were doing friendly swordsmanship. Suddenly Domen mentioned "where are your parents?". He replied "my Mom died while giving birth to me. And my father was killed by men of King Gunthr of Zyassar." Domen asked again " where are you headed this way?is it the castle of King Gunthr to avenge your father". The guy said "Yes Knight your intuition is right, and what can i expect from Veteran Knight". Domen then said "Careful with your thought, it can get u killed". Blocking the attack, "Any thought that satisfies your soul must be done" said guy. Domen's strength of attacking increased, "then with the position of commanding knight for King Gunthr,I must stop you at once." With that strength the guy came into his knees trying blocking the attack. Then angrily getting up ,making Domen backwalked "Nobody can stop me". The clinging of sword could have been heard from distance. That demonic strike by Domen but the speed of Guy were cutting each other. Both were drained out of both energy and blood then suddenly the baby crawled out of the tent. Both gazed at her, Domen was distracted and Guy was raged; pierced Domen's heart with his knife. And said "Tactics make u knight, not the gigantic size". Domen was trying to say something, guy remembered he was good with him early. So he gave him some water. And then said "In the orphanage of town, there's a small kid waiting for me. Tell him Domen's got his peace and he shouldn't seek revenge". He added "Do me favour again, please name the baby you have Xarina. I always wanted a daughter, I would have named her Xarina. Please do this it's a dying man's last wish". He's trying to speak more but his sound started fading and his soul left his body.
Guy buried Domen's body with respect. Baby started crying. Guy said "Don't worry Xarina, Uncle Domen is here with us and will be with us forever". Guy continues his journey to east to King Gunthr's castle.
Gods in his head
Historia CortaThe Knight's Tale...... Xandor walked but he have long to walk,,before he can emerge as a Knight.....👏