chapter 1: the inquisition joker

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i was staring at my best friend kaachan being held captive by a sludge villain and i could do nothing

even though she hurt me i want to help her still

though she hurt me she was still always there through her i was never alone not after my moms disappearance and my father had been gone for as long as i could remember

"do you seek power" a voice said

"yes" i said

"then take it embrace my light and my darkness become the balance and call out thy name for you know it within your heart" the voice said

"COME, SERZOLLAN" i roared out as a bright light and shadowy darkness at once were cast from me


"you were right hisashi he just needed a push in the right direction" inko stated

"of course our son is the prince of japan the next shogun, and head of the akamitsu name, now we must simply get him the deck and he truly will invoke the one" hisashi said

as the two turned and walked away from the ledge of the building they were standing on


the heroes watched as an inquisitor was born

"i will supply your weapon but you will need to find what you humans call a gear as me giving you one will drain you severely, you will need one of those decks of yours as well" serzollan said

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"i will supply your weapon but you will need to find what you humans call a gear as me giving you one will drain you severely, you will need one of those decks of yours as well" serzollan said

"got it" i said as i held out my hand

"endless masquerade" i chanted as the entire area was coated in darkness then i charged at the sludge villain swinging down my my right dagger

"lightning spin" i chanted as i began to spin my blades cutting through the sludge and pulling out katsumi before kicking back the villain

"NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HERE" allmight said i smiled as i heard that and lost consciousness after that

i awoke to find myself in some type of infirmary

"he's awake" a female voice called

"ah my boy good morning when we talked you didn't tell me you were an inquisitor" allmight said

"i didn't know" i said

"i see well your parents are here to speak with you" allmight said as my mom entered with a man i didn't recognize which made sense since i don't even remember the last time i saw my father 

"what do you two want" i asked coldly

"to congratulate you on finally becoming a joker" inko said smiling warmly

"HE'S A WHAT" allmight screamed even louder then usual

"yes he is a joker, our goal was to push it out of him so we had to make him desperate to call upon it, and so inko left him behind and i was busy with my duties running the country as it's shogun" hisashi said

"you left a boy to fend for himself" allmight said in a dangerous tone

"i taught him all he needed to survive and always sent him money to be able to do so"  inko defended

"it was all in the hopes of helping our child reach his dream" hisashi said

"i would have preferred you be there you know i almost killed myself several times because of how alone i felt" izuku said

"don't think we haven't been watching you because we have you tried that and we would have been there to stop you" hisashi said

"what do you two want or was it to congratulate me" i said

"no there are several things first, here's your deck your spirit will teach you how to use it" hisashi said

"you are also now the heir to the shogunate of japan" inko said

"that's why you were so focused on me learning how to use a katana while you were around" i said inko nodded

"your engaged as well word of warning you'll meet her when you go to UA her name is momo yaoyorozu, she will be your main wife, though as shogun, you would be allowed to have as many concubines as you want, i have three besides inko who's my main wife" hisashi said

"got it anything else i needed to know" i asked

"not from us no you'll be staying with UA's principal nezu" inko said

"fine goodbye" i said

"we look forward to when you graduate and come home my son" hisashi said as the two left

"is there something you wanted allmight" i asked

"hmm, oh yes, i choose you to be my successor, and inherit my quirk" allmight said

"wait, what" i asked in confusion and shock and he went on to explain all for one and one for all and how i would be the ninth holder

"except it for i can transform the quirks power into mana reserves for you to use" serzollan said

"fine, serzollan says it would help my mana pool anyway" i said and the mans usual smile widened

"so what do i have to do, to get your quirk" i asked i watched as he plucked out a strand of his hair

"you have to digest my DNA so eat this" allmight said i shook my head annoyed but took the hair and ate it like he wanted he explained it would take a short while and that he'd teach me how to tap into it but after hearing from serzollan i told him that wasn't necessary and serzollan would help me there he nodded and took his leave to allow me to rest

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