chapter 2: entrance exam

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i also got a visit from katsumi who begged to be my gear i told her to transform so i could see what she was she nodded and transformed

i also got a visit from katsumi who begged to be my gear i told her to transform so i could see what she was she nodded and transformed

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"fine you'll do" i said as i let her transform back

"thank you izu" she said

"yeah yeah" i said not really in the mood for katsumi being this gushy touchy feely, she's usually the tomboy with an attitude now she is simply as kissing and it's nothing but annoying

"well since your my gear you just got in on recommendation" i said

"awesome" she replied


i was standing in the recommendation room katsumi standing just behind me to my right ready for action in case i called her she for the most part reverted to her usual personality except towards me in which case she is extremely polite and she calls me master totally not katsumi behavior

"your recommended too" a voice said i turned to see a girl with a pony tail

"yeah" i said

"i'm momo yaoyorozu" momo said

"izuku akamitsu midoriya" i replied

"your my fiance" momo said not really surprised she had known of her prospective fiance since she was ten she was told her fiance was only told very recently and he wasn't the happiest about it

"looks like it" i replied

"you don't seem to care" momo asked

"i don't approve of arranged marriages especially when one side is allowed to essentially have a harem" i said

"your talking about yourself" she asked

"i am the shogun heir, and a joker inquisitor, what do you think" i asked

"fair is this your gear or a dragnaria" momo asked

"she's my gear" i replied as i was still watching the exam

"katsumi" i said she understood the message and transformed

"stay here would ya" i said as i shot the glass using katsumi's quirk to further add to the impact to make sure i break the glass i equipped my striker before falling into the fake city and running towards the scene blasting robots out of my way as i found the girl i was looking for injured

"come here you" i said as i lifted the rubble off her and used my light element to heal her leg

"your an inquisitor" she said

"yep, joker inquisitor actually" i said

"BEHIND YOU" the girl shouted

"ENDLESS ABYSS" i shouted as i turned katsumi in hand and i pulled the trigger send a dark energy blast through the zero pointer completely destroying it as it sucked in on it's self endless abyss is a blast that creates a black hole sucking in my enemies

"can you walk, or do i need to heal you further" i asked

"i'll be fine thank you, i'm ochako uraraka" she said

"izuku akamitsu midoriya at your service" i said as i let katsuki transform

"and this is my gear katsumi bakugo, but i call her kaachan" i said

"nice to meet you" ochako said

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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