Part 7: 𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔

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Fans POV

I stand infront of the dead body like a statue. I cant stop staring. Ive completely lost my appetite, or my thoughts. The only thing I can think about is the body lying infront of me.

My heart feels stone cold. My body is wet and soggy from the salty cold tears that came out of my tired dry eyes. My eyes are telling me too leave..  but my entire body wants too stay forever. 

I force myself too leave the broken glass that once was my bestest and closet friend, and go to  sit beside Lightbulb and Paintbrush, trying too take my mind off the broken glass. Paintbrush was staring at Lightbulb listening too her talk about different stories, as if nothing happened. It seemed too make paintbrush happier, and a bit red.. ( oOoO! ) 

I take a seat beside the two, and both stop too stare at me. 

Everything went quiet for a few seconds, until lightbulb finally peeped up.

"You feeling better? about.. yknow..." 


"Yay! I was gonna go cheer you up aswell, but Painty told me not to"


30 minutes ago...

Paintbrushes POV

I sit close too lightbulb. She saw me and stared for a moment.

"Hey.. you feeling okay?"

I was at the verge of tears. I couldnt cry. Crying is for idiots. 

"Y-yeah. Why would you think i wasnt!?" 

"I dunno... you look like your about too cry, and your face is somewhat red."


I hide my face, embarrassed. The body really can get annoying some times. Like the fact that your face makes it so GODDAMN OBVIOUS your about to cry... or other things... (<3) 


"Hey.. its okay too cry! Losing a friend is something you should definitely cry about.. Aswell as every other circumstance where you want to cry. Just let it all out!"

I breathe in... 

I burst into tears. Small water droplets starts soaking down my wooden face. I mumble words like "WHY?" or "WE SHOULDNT HAVE AGREED TOO THIS!". But everything seems almost impossible too understand over all the tears. 

Lightbulb hugs me and listens too every word i say, even if its almost impossible too hear. 

I finish talking, feeling more warmth then before, But i cant stop crying. 

"Its gonna be okay... we can do this. Just breathe"

I breathe large ins and outs, trying too calm myself down, while Lightbulb helps.

Sooner or later, i find myself completely calm, breathing normally. 

Lightbulb stops hugging, sits infront of me, and smiles the most heart warming and its-gonna-be-okay smile. I smile back and feel my heart warm up too its happiest. 

"There you go!! Feeling alot better?"

I somehow nod my head... how the heck did i even do that? 

"Now... How about a little bit of story time?" The bright little light motions back beside me on the hard floor and starts too ramble about a amusement park. 

I smile and stare, feeling little butterflies dance around in my tummy, forgetting all the worries i have. 

Its gonna be okay.


(Editors note: I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THIS CHAPTER AND IT ISNT EVEN THAT LONGgggggg- Anyways- this chapter was so heart warming too me- i love the relationship Lightbulb and Painty have- its so sweet <3 ) 

Tick tock, Tick tock,

Your time is running ah-out!~~~~


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