Chapter 04

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<A/n's pov>
On his way back to the base Rindou who just got kick out by the man he respect the most think about how can he vomit blood just to some salty soup?

'Is he sick? I'll ask Ran later' Rindou sigh as his car arrived at the bar where he'll meet Ran.

The loud music echo his ear as he step in the bar.

Everyone dancing while getting drunk is a normal scenerio for him.

'Where's Ran?' Rindou tried his best to look through the darkness with some beam bar's light.

And finally found his big brother. Ran Haitani. As usual there's girls in his left and right which really annoyed him.

he wouldn't want Y/n know about this and get his heart broken and he can't snitch on his big brother.

"How was it?"

"everything going fine" Rindou replied as he sips his whiskey.

"hmmm" Ran hum back as he start to continue flirting with the girls beside him
which make Rindou rolled his eyes in annoyed.

"Is Y/n sick?" Rindou threw in his question catch Ran off guard.


"Is Y/n sick?" Rindou repeated his question looking at his brother sharply.

"If he's sick he should know how to go to the hospital. It's not like he don't have money. I have it pay in his debit card everyday." Ran said carelessy make Rindou abit angry.

"Isn't he's your boyfriend?" Rindou asked again as Ran sigh in annoyed.

"if you want to take care of him then do it. He become so annoying to me." Ran said as he keeping sipping his whiskey while flirting with the girl freely.

"Bastard" Rindou mumble and left angrily to his brother's carelessly word.

during the way back Rindou blankly stare outside his car's window.

He thought back to the day when they both have nothing but useless strength just to get in trouble everyday.

And the one who scold them is Y/n. He is like a big brother to him and he respect him the most.

"Ran you fucking bastard."

<Y/n's pov>

*cough cough*

My cough echo the house after Rindou left. I drag myself to the closet as i open the old scarf and wrapped it around myself as my body is strangely cold.

I walk past the mirror which make me stop at my track. I walk back and stand at the mirror. I become skinny i think i saw my bone flexing through ny skin.

I watch my skinny body while frowning.

'Is my body the reason Ran didn't come home?' I asked myself as I sigh.

*Ding dong*

"Who is it at this time?"

*ding dong*

"Wait a bit!!!" I shout as i rush to the door.

"What took you so long? Annoying." Seem like he is drunk i can smell the achohol and different perfume on him.

"Let me help you" I help Ran walk to bed as I undress him while prepare a water to rinse his body.

He is already asleep when i finished. My body is hurt everywhere.

I grab a small key and open the cabinet under our bed and pull out my small book.

This book contained all the important things happened to me. The happy and the sad events.

I grab my pen as i sigh.

(Today. XX/XX/2017
Ran comeback home Drunk. He smell like a different perfume and it a girl's one at it.

He called me annoyed straight to my face with his drunk state.

But I don't mind. He is drunk.)


I walk around the shopping mall while trying to find a suitable gift.

It's our 13th anniversary.

We've been dating for long. I'm excited to suprised him tonight.

I walk around the mall with my head in the cloud chuckle as I imagine Ran's expression.


As I'm in cloud 9 I accidently bump to somone make my stuff fall.

"I'm sorry/I'm sorry" Me and the women i bump to speak at the same time as I look up to her.

'She the one that pick the scarf that day'

"Ooohhh I remember you. You pick the scard for your boyfriend!" She said excitely as I feel uncomfortable.

"Thanks to you he love it" I lied while soft smiling.

"What are you doing here?" She asked while help me pick up my stuff.

"It's our anniversary" I said.

"ohhh congratulation. I'm here with my boyfriend. Let me introduce you two" she said happily make me a bit scared.

I just know her no need to introduce each other.

"He is in a bathroom wait a bit" She said as she hug my arm.

"Ohh I see him!!!" She said while waving at her 'boyfriend'.

I look at her direction and completey frost in one place while I feel my heart stinging like there's alot of thorn pierce through my heart make my eyes create tear.

The person infront of us is also shock to see my appearance. It's no doubt afterall he is...

"Ran Over here!!!!"

My 'boyfriend'.


Damn it's been awhile i missed y'all so much💪🙂💕

Damn it's been awhile i missed y'all so much💪🙂💕

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anyways here's my coloring💪.

Heart's thorn [Ran Haitani x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now