got u fucked up

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Jasmine 💀

Boy you got me all the way fucked up if you think imma live with you.


Fuck you mean I said sorry.


Yeah well I'm not finna move in with you when I just started seeing you again so wait on that Mr man. And you can bring Kacey over here.

Jasmine said strictly.

"Aight then but why you acting strict all a sudden"  he said mugging a Lil.

"Try getting burried alive" she said smiling.

That sentence left them awkward.

She picked up Kacey and brought him into the kitchen.

"Hi babyyy" she said kissing his cheek.

He grabbed her face.

"Owww" she giggled

She got some snacks for him.

"Can he eat this"  she said kentrell holding some gummy snack.

"Yah" he said looking up

She gave it to him.

Kacey was so greedy he wanted more more and more.

"Ok Kacey that's enough" she said

She just layed him on her chest while he was sleeping.

"Soo  do you trust me now"  he said

"Not really"she Said

"Well I trust you wit my son" he said folding his arms

"Yeah  I guess. Look ill stay with you for 3 days and if you do something dum. It's over." She said looking mad

"Alright so you comming tonight?!" He asked

"What ever makes you stop asking me." She said

She went to go pack but kentrell enterupted her

"You already got stuff at the house remember?" He said chuckling

"Yeah I forgot." She said

They walked to the car with Kacey in the baby carrier thing

1hour later.

"I didn't know the house was this far." She said

"Well it is" he said not tryna smile

They pulled into the garage

They walked inside it looked the same pretty much.

Kentrell sat Kacey down in his  chair in the living room

"You still got that breast milk thing?" He said

"Yeah why" 

"Because Kacey might want it" he said

"Kentrell you not slick at all but I will give it to him"  she said side eyeing him
While he just chuckled

Kacey started going to sleep.

So she got up to give him a bath.

"Your hair so nicee" she said

Kentrell walked in

"Boy you scared me" she jumped

"Why you washing my son in the sink" he asked

" they don't have a baby bath thingy in here" she said

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