
105 6 7

Bold = a/n
(Brackets) = a/n
Italics = emphasis
' = thinking
" = speaking
Pretty much just fluff!

You will get second hand embarrassment from all of my writing because I write weird stuff-

"Kojiro!!" Cherry called out to his friend, picking up his board and walking over. "Oh hey blossom" Joe flashed a grin at kaoru and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You're such a needy gorilla" Kaoru sighed. Thinking this meant he was uncomfortable kojiro removed his arm, only for the other to wrap it back around his neck. "That didn't mean stop!!"
"And I'm the clingy one?"
"I said you were a needy gorilla! Not a clingy one!"
"Same thing idiot!" Joe chuckled, not removing his arm this time. "Can we skip school?"
"Yeah sure, wanna go skate?"

||at the skate park or smth||

After his 5th attempt at getting joes attention, kaoru walked up and flicked his forehead, making kojiro yelp loudly and jump back. "What was that for pinky?!"
"You wouldn't answer me, thinking about another one of your girlfriends that you're cheating on?"
"I've never cheated on anyone and you know that!"
"Such a gentleman, that's just basic human decency"
"Yeah! But you can't accuse me of something I didn't do!!" Kojiro mumbled, looking in the other direction.

Kaoru laughed and moved so Joe would have to face him again, grinning at the other before winking and running off. Confused and blushing, the taller looked at where kaoru had run off to, only to see him standing on top of a ramp they had built, board in hand. Kaoru stacked some boxes on top of the ramp making it dangerously high and then climbed on top of it, placing his board down and jumping off with it. Joes eyes widened and he ran over, catching cherry just before he hit the floor.

"Because I think it's funny when you freak out and think I'm going to die." The amber-eyed boy smirked, leaning back and dramatically sighing. A group of girls who had been sitting on a bench near them ran over and pushed cherry out of joes arms, one of them taking the pinkettes place and the others clinging to kojiro. "Oh wow you're so strong!" One of them gushed, the others agreeing and giggling, running their perfectly painted nails through their hair. "Why thank you~" joe winked, carefully placing down the girl that had jumped into his arms and shaking the others off, extending his arm out to cherry who took it.

"Thank you"
"No problem pinky!"
"Stupid gorilla"
The girls who had surrounded kojiro erupted into screeches about how the green haired had the perfect amount of muscle and how he didn't look like a gorilla and one of them even said  "even if he did he'd be a cute gorilla!" Earning a glare from cherry and a chuckle from kojiro. After a few minutes of flirting, the group wandered off to go see their other friends.

Cherry spent the remainder of the time the two hung out complaining about the girls that always came up to kojiro. "Awh~ jealous kaoru?"
"No, why would I want your attention??"
"I meant of me, not the girls" joe smirked, secretly hoping that kaoru was in fact jealous of the girls. He knew it was unlikely and that cherry liked Adam, but there was still a small part of him that thought cherry may have actually been jealous of the girls. Or maybe he wanted kaoru to be jealous. Well, either way he knew that the pink haired boy was probably, no, definitely not jealous of the girls or him, because he liked adam.

Joe did wonder why kaoru immediately assumed that the red eyed boy had been asking if he was jealous of the attention kojiro had given the girls and not the other way round. Did cherry know that joe liked him? Had he not been good enough at hiding it? Was kaoru going to stop being friends with him? No, he wouldn't do that, right?

Apparently the green haired boy got too caught up in his thoughts and hadn't noticed adam's arrival. Obviously cherry had noticed, as he had rushed over and started a conversation already. The two were laughing with eachother, their shoulders and knees touching and bumping together as they laughed. Ainosuke's scarlet eyes flashed in kojiros direction, and joe felt as if they were daring him to come closer and get in between the two love-struck teens, but he knew he couldn't intervene with cherry's 'love life' or whatever it was, because kojiro had a strong feeling whatever Adam felt for cherry, it was not love. But if the Sakura blossom boy loved Adam then there was nothing he could do about it, for now at least, even if ainosuke was reckless and definitely not good enough for the pinkette.

Joe waited about 10 minutes to see if either of his friends would invite him to the conversation. Neither of them did so instead he waved them goodbye which neither of them payed attention to, picked up his board and just....left. He skated home and made some food. The food ended up sitting on the counter, getting cold, while the muscular teen slept.

That was a weird chapter ending, sorry this is bad but I wanted to update and I'm sorry if this gives you second hand embarrassment because it gives me it-. Sorry it's short!

873 words.

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