Enter: izuku midoriya

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"Mama! Wake up! We need to go to the quirk doctor!" a small child says. This child is izuku midoriya. He's currently shaking his mom, into awake. "*Yawn* Al right izuku, just let me get ready"

Time skip to the doctor brought to you by my lazy ass

"Well ma'am, he'll have a quirk. Should show up in a week's time." The doctor says.
"That's wonderful news, right izuku." Inko says to izuku
"Yeah! I'm gonna be just like all might!" Izuku exclaimed
"Keep dreaming kid. I have a feeling that you're going to do great things."

On the way home izuku asked if he can see his friend at the fortune teller. Inko said ok but to be quick. He quickly went inside to say hi. " Hey miamagi, guess what!"
"Oh hi Izuku, what is it?" She asked
"I'm gonna get my quirk soon!" He answered excitedly
"Oh that's wonderful news!" She exclaimed
Miamagi sonosaki
Quirk: clairvoyance
She can see the most likely outcome to a person's question or problem.
Age: 21
" I know right!" He yelled out
After talking for a bit he had to go saying bye before heading home. At home inko made katsudon for dinner then they went to bed.
A/N: OK!!! how was chapter 1. Not too terrible right? I'll update whenever possible so yeah. Uh what else...oh I know I said no harem but if you want I can limit it to 3 female characters cause I can't write yaoi for shit. Only if you want I don't really care. But I do have a plan so yeah. Anywho, have a good day/night.

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