Quirk: Phoenix

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A week came by faster than the family of 2 thought. izuku was just reading in his room, when he felt a burning sensation I'm his back. It quickly turned to pain when 2 scarlet wings sprouted from his back. The pain ended as soon as it came, but his attention was, not on the soreness in his back, but the small fires on the tips of his small wings. He quickly regained his bearings and ran to the kitchen. Well, more like flew into the kitchen. He landed on the floor, and yelled out, "Mama I got my quirk!"
"Hmm oh that's wonderful news izuku! We'll go to the doctor after lunch ok?" She said excitedly.
"Ok mama!". The green (and red) pair ate then left for the doctor.

At the doctor izuku wouldn't stay still. He was all over the place. " Midoriya izuku?" A nurse called
"Let's go, izuku" his mom said
Five minutes later and he sat them down. "Ok after some tests we can safely determine that little izuku here has a powerful fire quirk. The wings are confused though"
"Thank you" mama inko says as they go home. The next day izuku goes to miamagi to tell her the good news. "Miamagi my quirk came in!" He excitedly yelled. "Oh that's lovely. I hope you do good things with it!" She praised. He left and when to his friend, bakugo katsuki. "Hey kacchan I got my quirk!" He yelled once more. "Huh. Oh that's awesome, though I doubt it will be as awesome as mine!" Katsuki boasted proudly. "I call it phoenix, since I have wings with fire on them, and I found out this morning that I can manipulate fire. I wonder if that means thaticantdie.ifidowoulditurntoashorwouldijustdie-oof"
"Shut up my head hurts now"
"Oh s-sorry"
A/N: Hi I'm back how's your day, good great. Anyway chapter 2. Yum. Have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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