Hunger Strike (another HxR one-shot)

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Y/n had been thrown in prison, though she was innocent, she swore! She had been framed. It was the girl next to her who cut the ropes; not her!

No one believed the woman, however, and imprisoned her for attempted murder, where she would spend the rest of her life in this dark, cold prison cell. Hey, at least she wasn't put to death, as most who attempted to kill King Notch were. She had a couple skeptical people in the system of law to thank for that.

But, still, she would have to get used to these large, rough stones all around her. It was a cell, about fifteen feet by fifteen feet wide. Twenty feet tall. A barred off window with a good sized ledge too high for her to jump and sit up on let in some of the light blue light from outside. Especially cold. Especially dark. Y/n curled up on her little wooden cot and cried alone.

"You'll be positioned here." An older man grunted outside your cell door. The girl didn't even care to look up.

"Yes sir." Another, younger man responded. To that voice, she shifted a little. Through the small window in the door, she saw two glowing white lights shining through. Strange... The lights blinked in unison like two eyes, drawing more confusion from the girl. "What's your name?" The voice asked.

"Uhhh.. Y/n.." the girl answered sheepishly.

"Ah, I heard about you."

"I was framed, I swear!" Y/n said, teary eyed.

"...I believe you." The young man responded kindly. The white lights blinked again, faint light resting on the girl's subtle smile.

"If only everyone else believed me..."

----2nd person POV, because 3rd person POV was strange----

Two months passed. Turned out those lights were the man's eyes. He was a rather interesting fellow. Worked here for only a year and already he was a well known and respected individual, having gained the trust of all those around him; guards and prisoners alike.

He was assigned to the whole hall of prison doors your cell was only at the end of to the right, so you would often hear him chatting casually with the other prisoners as well. He always carried this sense of hope. And in this dark, bleak place, his hope shined from within like the shining stars that were his eyes.

He was into magic, hidden treasures, and spicy food! Though he was mostly kind, when a prisoner was getting a little out of hand, you noticed how easily it was for him to shift into a more serious and demanding tone. It was because of that he had jokes made about him having 'another man' inside of him.

Through the next couple months, he by far was the nicest around you. Meaning, he asked for permission to bring you boardgames and enter your cell so the two of you could play. He got you softer, warmer bedding. And he would sit with his back against your cell door, your back against it on your side, and the two of you would just chat about anything the two of you could think of for hours. Several times, you asked him why, and each time he answered with something simple. That, with the position of power he was in, he wanted to use it for good and help as many as he possibly could, however he could.

A shame it took you being a prisoner to get to know this guy so well. And with a life sentence, you were worried... If you really were falling in love with this guy.. How would you be able to live... general....with him?

There was something you were hiding, however. A plan to escape. You didn't want to get the man involved, so you hid your plans from him, and also of course because he was a guard and would likely tell on you.

You had managed to break down one of the window bars and, thankfully, were able to squeeze between them.

You were cought. Pretty early on, too.

Thrown back into your cell, your saddened eyes had no explanation; no proper way to apologize, to those sad glowing eyes.

"No food for twelve days." The warden calmly ordered.

The man's glowing eyes widened. "Wait what?!" You were shaken by this news as well. You already had had such little food as it was.

"You heard my orders."

"Then...then I'm going on a hunger strike!" The guard announced. There were a couple small gasps among the prisoners and other guards alike. "I've seen the evidence, and I think Y/n was innocent to begin with!"

"And?.. It is our job to hold prisoners. Not to decide who gets to stay in or out." Holding his hands behind his back, the warden turned calmly away. The younger man's glowing eyes were furious, but he had no power beyond making sure you were safe within your cells... One of those two requirements he had just failed at. He was lucky to have good enough reputation with everyone to not be thrown in himself.

"Ghhh!" The guard on the other side of the door's fingers clenched.

"Are you...really serious.. about going on a hunger strike..?" You asked. His glowing eyes turned so you can see them through the hole in the door.

"Of..of course... It isn't fair, the position you are in. ...Everyone needs others who can stand up for them. I just so happen to be that person for you." He answered, as if this was basic common sense to him.

"I wish I could hug you.." You smiled. His glowing eyes squinted a little.

"Yeah.. That would be nice.."

A day passed and already you were starving. The guard, you noticed, was having the same pains as well; he was a lot less mobile. The second day was worse for both of you. The guard attempted to sneak in some food, but he was caught and threatened to be thrown in with you. He apologized, and continued to announce to everyone again about his hunger strike.

On the third day, it was a little better. Other prisoners in cells nearby offered to the man their food, but he politely declined. They, however, didn't care offer it to you, for fear of terrible punishment.

What was strange, though, on the third day, was when another prisoner declared he was going on a hunger strike, for the nice guard's sake. Only two hours later, two others in the hall declared the same thing. By the fifth day, there were six prisoners on a hunger strike, counting half of the prisoners in this section of the prison as a whole. It was around here, though, that you and the guard became really weak. Once, you had a daily routine of exercising, drawing with chalk on the walls, and playing boardgames. Now, however, you could only clench your stomach and groan on the floor. The guard wasn't having as bad of a time, but he certainly was in a similar situation.

By the end of the first week, everyone but one prisoner in the hall were refusing meals.

"Ughh..." The warden finally stepped in to the hall, seeing the sorry state his best guard was in. "Word of your strike has..somehow...leaked out. It's.." An annoyed hand over his face.. "..made its way to the papers, all over the country... My boss demands I end Y/n's... You know.." He grumbled in defeat.

Cheers shot out from nearly all the cells. Even prisoners from further away who heard leapt for joy. You could hardly believe it. Neither could the guard outside your door. He stuck his hand in through the door, and you enthusiastically shook it.

The warden cleared his throat. "Also... The publicity has lead people to re evaluate Y/n's case files... Many now believe they have the evidence to prove her innocent." He stated. Again, more excitement and cheers, mostly from you and the man. No way!!

"Can you believe it!?" The man cheered.

"Nope! But that's what makes it so cool!" You jumped using the low reserves of energy you had left. By golly, you could probably dance. No level of hunger could take you down!

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