Over Yonder (Part 1)

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Tall blades of grass tickled your legs as you wandered over the field. The green was endless, as was the blue. The air, fresh and crisp to the lungs. One breath alone had the power to replenish one's spirits. Ahh, delightful to enjoy the serenity of nature once and a while. It was easy to forget just how lucky you were to live among such beauty.

The sun was high in the clear, blue sky. Only the occasional cloud floated carelessly overhead, pushed by the strong winds above. Your eyes wandered away from the endless, rolling hills and towards the darker shaded mountains in the distance. An entire mountain range stretched across the Northern horizon. The mountains, though you had dreamed of visiting them all your life...had never become more than the backdrop to the stage that was your life. Never had you even touched the base of those mountains... As tragic it was, you weren't about to fuss over something so small.

As your now rested feet carried you over one of the many small hills, your eyes again rested on a small wooden structure. Crafted with wood which was hard to come by out here, a lot cabin stood humbly atop a rivaling hill. Around it, rolling down each side of the hill were the fields of crops. Your father stood at the base of said hill, riding the family horse along the thin dirt trail, which led to the far away town. Your eyes brightened once you saw where he was headed. Lifting your faded brown skirt, you began chasing after him.

"You goin' to get the boy?!" You asked with a widened grin. Your father strained his back and neck atop the horse to smile back at you.

"That I am, (Y/n)! I should be back by tomorra mornin'! Make sure you and Andy stay well fed 'til then!" He hollered your way. The horse, Sasha, ascended an incline which would soon pull him out of sight. You veered away from him, running toward the house instead while still facing him somewhat.

A little more jokingly this time, you shouted, "He better be pretty, Paw!"

"Ohhhh, if your mother was still here!" Your dad laughed.

"She'd take my side is what she'd do! You know how how eager she always was to see me married someday!" You at last bounded to the front door. The two of you were having to shout a lot harder now just to communicate. Good thing you both were real good at it.

"Hahaha! That she was..."

"...W-well take care, Paw!" You waved vigorously. Your father's fleeting smile turned to you again, the built, rugged but cleanly shaven man returning the wave. After he at last vanished behind the hill, your right arm dropped at your side. Exhaling quickly, a smaller version of the smile from before remained on your face as you spun around and pushed open the wood door.

You entered a one room house. In the center was a perfectly square dining table. Off to the left side were all of your beds. You and Andy shared a bunk bed. As of right now, you only had enough materials to offer the yet to arrive boy a hammock which you had hung up earlier today in the furthest corner of the room. Along the furthest wall, right of the hammock, was the large fireplace. You weren't alive when it was built, but Paw always gloated about the time he built it by hands. Said it took him a whole week to finish! Well, it sure was worth the effort. Three layers of steel bars made it so that one could cook up to three different things at once! On either side of the fireplace were a couple countertops and cabinets for prepping and storing the food. And, at last, along the right wall were more shelves for storage and a bench with a few cushions to sit on. As far as houses go, yours was of the best!

Andy sat at the dining table, preparing a few gopher traps. You crossed the house with ease and set to cutting up carrots, potatoes, and beef for a fine stew. The house was quiet for a time as the two of you fiddled away.

"...Why does Paw need a new boy anyways?? I'm pretty strong!" Andy suddenly felt the need to vent. He tossed aside the wired cage what was annoying him so much and crossed his grimy little boy arms.

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