2. Death

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Dedicated this chap to aminatuh_ for the words of encouragement ♥

A sad fact is that with life comes death. It will happen to all of us. But that doesn’t make dealing with or understanding it any easier.
The devastation that the death of a friend or loved one causes is profound. And facing up to our mortality can be distressing too.

So looking for a way to cope or help with the loss of someone is natural. We seek ways to make tough times that bit easier, as well as some understanding. But in his situation, it wasn't natural, he couldn't understand why they have to take the lives of his family. He was devastated and terrified,  Death, they say, acquits us of all obligations. For him, their death was of revenge, that is what he's living life for. To avenge their death.



10th JANUARY 2017

Bizo looked at the clock placed on the right wall of his living room, 10:30am, he told this people to come by 10:00 am, but there he was, not even a trace of them. They are sure going to pay for what they did. As a man of his words and time, he doesn't like it when others misuse it.
He glanced at the clock again, they have added another five minutes, he carried his phone that was on the table besides him and dialed a number. "Come in" he said as the receiver picked the call. He waited for them to open the door with his hands akimbo, he was fuming and his eyes were bloodshot red; he was very angry. 
"Boss, we are sorry. It was a problem we had to tackle before coming" one of them said. They were three, two light skinned and the other dark. The dark one have very small eyes and wide lips, his nose was very bulbous.
"Sule, you know my rules and how I hate people wasting my time" Bizo said. "Yes boss, we are very sorry" the first guy that talked was Sule. Though his eyes are big, his nose was  crooked and his lips very black, from the looks of it, he smokes.
"Tell me, what happened again"
"The guy we collected last week, he was trying to escape" said the dark skinned guy.
"Who is he?" Asked their boss
"Ibrahim, commissioner for finance and Economic Development's brother"
"And what did you do to him?"
"We followed the rules boss, we killed him"
"That's very good, now I need update for what's going on"
"The list is coming to an end boss" Nuhu, the other light skinned guy said.
"How many do we have now?"
"Six boss" Nuhu answered.
"How are they six?"
"Barde brought one girl with him"
"Six months back" Nuhu answered again.
"Six months ago but no one told me, for what?" He barked.
It was against his rules, he have a list of people he wanted to kidnap, he was going by the rule. He didn't plan on kidnapping women or children, his aim was just toward the children of the high calibers who contributed to his family's death. To say he is furious is a meiosis. And for six good months? No one dared to tell him, because they know the consequences of their action.
He looked at them, to and fro, fuming with anger, he couldn't even think straight, he doesn't know where to start. He lowered his eyebrows and pulled them closer together, his eyelids become squinted, his lips tighten and curl inwards and the corners of his mouth points downward. It wasn't on his plans, he have to send her back ASAP.
"Call barde now" He roars. It wasn't directed to anyone, but the intensity of his voice make them shiver with fear, they all bring out there phone at once trying to dialed Barde's number. "Let me call him" sule whispered, he was scared to talk loudly, Barde picked at the first ring as if he knows what is waiting for him.
"Boss wants to see you now" Sule said.
"I'll be there now" answered Barde.
Sule ended the call with a scowl, because he told Barde to take that girl back before the boss find out, but he didn't heed to his words, and now he will sure pay for his actions. They stand in silence with the Boss going back and forth, he will glanced at them every minutes and the door, he was beyond angry.
Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door, as if they were electrocuted, all the three guys hastened to the door, Ali opened the door and the others stood by the side of it. The looks on their faces make Barde's heart dropped, he already know what the call was for, because he was anticipating it. He looked at where Bizo, his boss is,the look on his boss's eyes send shivers down his spine, he knew his boss very well, one thing he doesn't like is breaking his rules, but he was very good at that.
"Boss" Barde called.
Bizo turned to look at him with red eyes, he is going to pay for what he did.
"Come over here" Bizo called.
"Why did you do that?" He asked
"Do what boss?" Barde stared at him pretending to be oblivious of the situation.
"Don't play with me Barde, you know what I'm talking about" Barde hung his head and looked down. He didn't have any reasonable explanation that will justify his actions.
"I had no other choice". That was the fact, he was in need of money desperately and he could not bring himself to ask his boss.
"I don't understand you had no other choice, you kidnapped someone without my permission and you have the guts to tell me you had no other choices. And why do you have to bring a girl?"
"She wasn't my target, she just came at the wrong timing".
Bizo looked at Barde with his bloodshot eyes, he moved close to him and landed a hot slap on Barde's face.
"You know my rules, but you choose to go against it, why would you kidnap that innocent soul? What have she done you wrong? Why?" He couldn't answer any of his questions, because he don't have the answers to them, all he wanted was money which he didn't get any.
"How much did you collect from them?"
"They don't have the money I demanded"
"How much?"
"Two million"
"Two million? Why will you do that?" He barked at him.
Barde didn't utter again, he too was fuming with anger, because he was tired of how Bizo is controlling him, he have no power or say in any of their operations, he was just a mere dog to him, always ordering him around.
"Go and bring the girl here" Bizo said glancing at were Sule is standing.
"But it's not safe for us boss" Ali said
Bizo looked at where they are standing and shot them a threatening look.
"Okay Boss" Nuhu said, they all sauntered out of the parlour at once. Bizo looked at his wristwatch and sat on the sofa besides him, now he have to think of how to bring a solution to this.


Death, they say is surreal. You might feel numb or carry on as if nothing has changed. This is because it can take a long time to process what has happened. You may also feel disorientated – as if you have lost your place in your world. But the thing she was feeling was grieve; to grieve one's fate, his fate. She doesn't know him, but the image of his lifeless body lingers in her mind and eyes, even now, as her eyelids are shut, she could still see the pain in his eyes when he was dying, the fear that creeps inside him, she has never seen anything like that before, even when her grandmother died, she couldn't look at the body, is this how they will kill her too?. Many thoughts ran through her mind as she lay on the skimpy bed in the room, she was scared to open her eyes as she doesn't know what awaits her.
She opened her eyes slowly, the darkness suddenly blurred her eyes and she shut them back. She opened it again for the second time and focused her gaze on the ceiling, everything seems so blurry; blurred darkness, she turn to her left and looked at the door, there is no one, but how did she end up here? The last time she remembered was seeing a lifeless body dripping of blood, but here she is, on the skimpy bed inside the room. She managed to sit up and immediately something pierced through her head, she hold her head with both two hands and screamed, but there is no sound like it is a muffled scream, then she remembered she hit her head before loosing consciousness. She rest her head on the wall and pray silently, all she wish for is freedom, to be free from these people so she can get to see her parents.
She suddenly sit upright as she heard footsteps approaching, she listened carefully to the sounds and heard muffled voices, she crawled to the door and pressed her ear to it, they were talking, she isn't sure of what they are saying because all she heard is someone saying "she blacked out". Who blacked out? Is there another girl here apart from her or are they many. "I think she saw the corpse of that guy" she heard someone saying again, there footsteps were approaching and their voices becoming clear, then it ring to her; they were talking about her and it's obvious they are walking towards the room she's inside. She quickly went back to the bed and lay low, she closed her eyes pretending to be asleep. Not less than one minute the door opened,  she squinted her eyes with fear, maybe they are here to kill her too.
"She's still unconscious" says one of the guy. There are three guys standing with one holding the door and the other two standing in front of the bed.
"Call Boss and tell him" says the guy that is holding the door. The first guy take out his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed a number. He placed the phone on his ear and groan, he doesn't know how to start explaining this. "Boss" he quickly says
"Yes. She is unconscious"
"No. She's just in a shock from the looks of it".
"Ok". He glanced at where she is sprawled on the bed, She is still unconscious.
"Yes boss". He hang up the call and look at her one more time before exiting the room. She opened her eyes immediately and sigh. That was so close.

Heyy lovelies
I know it took longer than expected, I'm sorry.
How was the chapter? Still boring right??
More are coming In Sha Allah and you'll enjoy it. Just get your cup of tea and enjoy with each sip. Don't forget to
Love y'all♥

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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