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"(NICKNAME), stop fucking killing me! I can't finish this fucking tycoon if you keep on killing me for no reason!" Q yelled.

You laughed hysterically at your online friend's sorrow, "Too fucking bad, Q! You were the one who pussied out and didn't apologize, not me!" You retorted with obvious humor laced in your tone.

"What the Hell? I gave you multiple and genuine apologies!" He argued.

"Yeah, yeah, genuine, my ass! Those were half-assed apologies, Q!" You disputed while succeeding in killing Q for the fifty-seventh time.

To put this argument in context, you jokingly confronted him because he was the reason you were grounded. But he replied with, "Sorry, but I'm not really. I mean, it's not my fault you were still playing at 4 AM or something," or "Jeez man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Calm the fuck down!"

You weren't having that shit, so you kept killing him (IN-GAME).

"Okay, I'm sorry, (NICKNAME)! Can you please stop killing me now?" Q apologized in a saccharine tone.

Before responding, you questioned if you should continue killing him in the tycoon or you would work on your own tycoon. Eventually, you came up with the decision, "I forgive you. But hold on with building your tycoon because I still haven't done shit to mine," You stated.

He laughed a little, a laugh you liked to hear, "Jeez, (NICKNAME), we've been in this game for half an hour, and you haven't even begun?" Q jested.

"Yeah, that's what I just said, dumbass!" You quipped right back. He giggled again. After that, you went to work on your tycoon while talking and joking around with Q, only for you to finish it in eighteen minutes.

Then you looked at the time. It was 11.50 PM. TIME FOR DINNER!

"Q, I've gotta go. I'm going to make dinner. If I didn't eat this less today, or however you say it, I would have definitely stayed to play Club Penguin or another game with you!" You rushed out. It was silent on the other side of the call.

"Okay! Talk to you soon, I guess!" Q suddenly exclaimed. You smiled brightly, "Bye, bye, mate!" You conveyed the same amount of energy.

As you hung up, Q stared holes into his computer. He watched your green icon (I don't know what it's called, sorry) on Discord go to grey, signaling you went offline.

He hated it when you had to hang up. He wanted to talk to you all day, all night, and sleep on call with you. Maybe even meet you in real life, but he knew he'd be too flustered, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you.

You might have noticed already: Q is obsessed with you. Absolutely infatuated with your voice, your sense of humor, your jokes, your kindness, somehow your seriousness; just you in general. No matter how he was feeling a minute ago, when he hears your angelic voice, his day can't get any better.

Sometimes he would stare at the conversations you two had in Discord for hours and hours.

Sometimes he would wonder what else you would be doing when you weren't on call with him.

And sometimes, he would have... rather dark thoughts about you. But hey, what did you expect? The motherfucker's obsessed with you!

(what even am I doing anymore. I can't take this shit seriously)

Anywho, you decided to grab the food that your parent/guardian left for you. It wasn't THAT tasty, but it could do for now, especially since you barely ate today.

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