Digging Up the Past (pt. 1)

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Tony didn't know what to think. Layla had never really told him why she'd left Gumneck. He knew it had something to do with her family, but she wouldn't say anything more and he knew better than to ask. Although, right, now it would've been nice to know. As soon as they'd entered the town, Layla had looked on edge, especially anytime they passed another person.

Miss Nowhere had suggested they split up to look for supplies, so Tony, Layla and Echo were now walking together, trying to find a general store. Layla had told them she remembered how to get there, but so far she'd been weaving through random streets, turning down a different one every time they were about to pass a townsperson. Tony was scared to say anything with how high-strung Layla was at the moment, so he was grateful when Echo finally stepped in.

"Okay, what's going on, Layla? Where the heck are you taking us?"

"To the General Store, like I said," Layla replied, peeking around another corner before stepping out into the street.

Tony and Echo exchanged worried glances, hesitating before they continued following Layla.

"You try, T," Echo said under her breath as they walked. "She'll probably tell you what's up."

"What makes you say that?"

Echo looked at him for a moment, raising an eyebrow, and then rolled her eyes.

"Never mind, just try, okay? We need to actually find that store at some point."

Tony nodded and caught up to Layla while Echo hung back. As Layla ducked her head away from another passerby, Tony grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side of the street.

"What are you doing, Toretto?" she hissed, glancing around nervously.

Tony put his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to focus.

"Layla, look at me," he said gently. "What's up? Are you okay?"

"I told you I'm fine," she replied, not meeting his eyes.

"Okay...then why are we walking around the streets like we're hiding from someone?"

"You can never be too careful. We've got a lot of enemies."

"Yeah..." Tony raised an eyebrow. "You know I'm not that dense, right?"

Layla let out a small laugh and then sighed.

"Okay, sorry," she said. "You're right...I am hiding from someone. The whole town actually."

"Yeah, I could kinda tell."

That earned Tony a punch to the arm. He chuckled and rubbed his shoulder while Layla continued.

"I told you about my dad moving us to Texas, right?"


"Well, that was partially because of me. My dad...he was in a bad place. He started drinking and stopped caring- except when I got in trouble. That was the only reason he'd pay attention to me, so..."

"So you started getting in trouble on purpose?" Tony finished for her.

Layla nodded, looking away in shame.

"It was stupid, but I was 12 and it felt like my only option at the time," she shrugged. "I started hanging with the wrong crowd, and in a town this small word gets around fast. I was the rebel child, the next 'sidewinder.' When I got caught, the cops would bring me home and my dad would answer the door, drunk as all get out. They'd lecture him, he'd yell at me...he finally got sick of it, so we moved to Texas."

Tony wasn't sure how to respond. Layla had just shared some pretty heavy stuff, and though he hoped he was wrong, he got the feeling her dad had done more than just yell when he got upset.

"Anyway," Layla continued. "Everyone in this town knew me, and they wanted me gone. That's why I'm sneaking around- if anyone recognizes me, I swear they'll call the sheriff on the spot. I'm trying not to get you and Echo arrested just for hangin' out with me."

Tony gave her a reassuring smile.

"Echo and I can take care of ourselves. And if anyone gives you trouble about being here, we've got your back- family, remember?"

Layla nodded, and Tony threw a glance at Echo, signaling that they were good to go. She strode up next to them and elbowed Layla teasingly.

"So, you done playing hide and seek and ready to take us to the store?"

Layla rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Come on."

She began leading them through the streets again, this time without ducking behind corners or taking backstreet "shortcuts."

"Good work, T," Echo whispered, giving Tony a fist bump. "Told you it'd work if you tried."

"What can I say," Tony replied matter-o-factly. "I guess I'm just easier to talk to."

Echo snorted.

"Yeah, that's why."

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