The Truth Comes Out

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*this chapter contains a curse word

It took Tony awhile to find Layla, because she'd gone to the last place he'd expected- the bar. He'd only gone inside to ask if anyone had seen her pass by on the street outside, but there she was, sitting on an old wooden stool with a drink in her hand. Tony marched right up to her. Layla looked up in surprise.

"What's going on?" Tony asked, trying to keep his voice low. Then, gesturing toward her drink, he added: "And please tell me that's not what I think it is."

"Are you kidding? Miss Nowhere would kill me," Layla replied. She stared at the counter and fiddled with the bracelet she was wearing. "It's just soda...but I could use a shot of whiskey right now."

Tony raised an eyebrow. He sat down on the stool next to Layla and waited, hoping she'd elaborate. After a moment, she did.

"The guy in the store," Layla said, barely looking at Tony. "...he's my father."

Tony's eyes widened. He'd been expecting Layla to say she knew the guy- but not that he was family. Now that he thought about it, though, the resemblance was definitely there.

"The last time I saw him was back in Texas. I didn't think he'd ever come back here, or that I'd ever see him again, and now..." Layla's voice broke. "What the hell am I supposed to do?"

She finally met Tony's eyes, her expression both angry and hurt all at once. Tony had seen her upset before, but not like this. He thought about everything Layla had told him about her family and her past. It was some pretty heavy stuff, and there were probably a lot more details she'd left out. It was bad enough that she was stuck in a town attached to ugly memories, and now she'd had to face the man responsible for a lot of those memories.

"You don't have to do anything if you don't want to," Tony said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I do, though," Layla shook her head. "I know he recognized me. He's gonna look for me..."

"If you don't want him to, then we won't let him find you. I know he hurt you, Layla, even if I don't know exactly how. I won't let that happen again."

They held each other's gaze for a long moment, and then Layla pursed her lips and looked down.

"The thing is, though...I think he's changed. I barely recognized him when we first walked into the store. For one, I didn't think he'd ever get a job again. And he used to always have this crazy look in his eyes. But that was gone. Now, it's like... he looks like he did before my mom died."

" do want to talk to him?" Tony asked.
Layla hesitated.

"I don't know," she said, tugging on her bracelet again. "I hurt him too. Trashed our family's reputation in Gumneck, and then again in Texas. The last time he saw me, I was running away with a stolen car and cash from his wallet. I guess...I guess I'm scared he's still gonna think of me like that. That he won't believe I've changed."

"You said you could tell he's different now," Tony said slowly. "If you're right, then I think there's a good chance he understands why you did all that stuff now. It had to do with him, and with your mom. And, if he turned his own life around, why wouldn't he believe you could do the same?"

Layla didn't respond, but Tony could tell she was thinking about what he'd said. He stood up and paused before making one final statement.

"I know this is coming from a guy who's 'all about family,' but I think you should talk to him. Whatever happens, at least then you'll know. And if it doesn't work out, you always have me and the crew."

And with that, Tony gave Layla an encouraging smile and walked out of the bar. He hoped his advice had been what she needed to hear, but it was hard to tell with Layla sometimes. She always knew what to say when he had a problem, and Tony wanted to do the same for her.

If Layla did decide to talk to her dad, Tony hoped she'd call him first. Even though he was pretty sure things would go fine, he wasn't about to chance Layla getting hurt again. He would've told her that in the bar, but she probably would've just said 'I can take care of myself' or something like that. Which was true, but that didn't make Tony want to protect her any less

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