02. Unknown Relatives & Big Changes

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"Okay, what is x? Any-" the intercom interrupted the teacher's boring lesson that Calvin was snoring, and very loudly, to on his school desk.

"Mrs. Hills, can you please send Calvin Russo to the principal's office immediately."

The redhead person -they use they/them pronouns- next to the asleep brunette boy shook his shoulders, attempting to wake him.

"Calvin. Mr. Russo!" Mrs. Hills sighs and puts her hands on her hips.

"Jaxx, can you please awake, Mr. Russo," Jaxx, the redhead, gives a "what the fuck do you think I'm doing" look at Mrs. Hill before continuing to tap Calvin.

"Calvin! Wake up!" they slightly yell, and he jumps up, mumbling coherent words.

"W-what," he yawns and rubs his eyes, "do you want, Jaxx?".

"The office called. Principal Danvers wants you in her office for something."

Calvin's nose scrunches at the familiar name and ponders. What did he do in the last two days to get him in trouble?

He was caught kissing a girl behind the bleachers at last night's soccer game, but that wasn't too serious for him to be sent to the principal's office.

He wipes his face and collects his things; Mrs. Hill goes back to the lesson while he walks out of the door to the office.

"Trouble, again?" muses Dorothy as she exits the girls' restroom.

He smirks, "Actually, Doll, I'm not even sure if I'm in trouble or not. They just said to come down to the office and see they didn't send an AP to come get me. I'm guessing it's not that serious."

"For someone, who's failing Language Arts, you are quite the analyst," she teases.

Calvin shrugged, "I'm smart when I want to be."

"I know that's the sad part of it."

He walks up to her and wraps his arm around, "Trust me, if I wanted to be in the advanced classes with you, I could be. Just tell me to try, and I will, Doll."

"Go to the office," she pushes him off with blushing cheeks. He walks off, not before giving her a wink.

"Calvin," uninterestingly says the frontman, Mr. Kush. "Mrs. Danvers is waiting for your arrival, so walk right into the office."

"Thanks, Kush Kush."

Calvin calls him that since his last name is basically marijuana. Mr. Kush rolls his eyes, continually typing into his desktop.

Calvin opens the door, "Sup', Danvers. Rumor is that needed me?".

He plops into the chair, not noticing the three figures between the chair.

He gets comfortable setting his schoolbag, which contains his school-issued laptop, a notebook, and a mechanical pencil, onto the chair beside him.

"So, I'm in trouble? And, for what this time?".

"Surprisingly, you are not in trouble," this made Calvin's eyebrow raise. "Your sixth-period teacher last week came to Social Services with some comments that were made by you."

Calvin titles his head, wondering where this conversation is heading and whether it's going to be a good one.

"You said something along the lines of "My Mother's a neglectful druggie witch." This had raised many concerns with your teacher, so they reported like they are required by state law."

Calvin's face morphed into the realization of what she was talking about. And knew things were getting worse because Child Services is now involved.

Last week during the sixth period, he was joking with another student (who also has a drug-addicted parent) about her addiction to drugs and whatnot. He supposes his teacher must've overheard him talking about it.

CALVIN: Russo Crime Family Series #1Where stories live. Discover now