Alone together part 4

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(A/N: WARNING cheeky Harry in this chapter ;))


Later in the night I woke up, slowly opened my eyes to realize I was lying on the beach on the soft blanket Harry wrapped around me earlier. I frowned slightly and sat up, looked around confused, not being able to see Harry anywhere. I got up and brushed the sand off of my flower printed dress and walked over to the outburned fireplace.

"Harry?" I called softly as I looked around, somehow I was feeling a little frightened when he wasn't around. Suddenly I heard something growl from the bushes and I jumped and quickly looked to where the sound came from. But it was too dark to see anything.

"H-Harry?" I whispered and stepped back, my back suddenly hitted another body and I screamed slightly before I was silented by someone covering my mouth.

"Shh.. Be quiet" I felt the hot breath against my ear and it sent goosebumps up my spine knowing the familliar voice.

The growling sound slowly faded out and when it was all gone my mouth was uncovered and I quickly turned around and hugged the figure behind me, almost tearing up.

"Harry what was it?" He wrapped his arms around my tiny body as I rested my head against his warm chest.

"I don't know..but it's gone now and we're okay, that's all that matters" he gently rubbed my back as he continued

"Let's get the fire going again, it will keep it off" I nodded and pulled away, wiped my tears with the back of my hand as Harry walked over to the fireplace and put some of the almost all dried wood in the ring of rocks. He reached for the lighter and soon he had lit the fire.

He looked over at me where I was standing as he sat down on the branch.

"C'mon" he said and smiled softly. I came over and sat next to it, the cold night closed in on me.

"Where were you?" I asked quietly as I watched him move to get some more wood.

"I was at the plane, trying to find some useful stuff." He replied without looking at me.

"In the middle of the night?" I frowned.

"When I went it wasn't dark yet.. And there were still some lights working in the plane" he said and put the wood in the fire, sitting back next to me.

"Oh, well did you find something?"

"Yeah, I found some food, clothes and a knife" he said and looked at me.

"But I also took some suitecases with me. I figured we could go through them tomorrow." He continued. I nodded and looked at my hands but I could feel his eyes still on me.

"Why won't you learn to take the blanket with you when it's cold?" He asked and I shrugged slightly.

"I'm not cold.." I mumbled.

"oh, c'mon you're shivering really bad, just admit it. It's because you want me to warm you, isn't it?" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his side.

"No, I was just going to see where you went when that thing showed up.. Just let go of me" I mumbled, groaned a little and tried to get out of his grip but he just pulled me closer.

"Never" He smiled and held me, but I kept struggeling and soon both of us lost the balance and fell back over the branch and both of us burst out laughing. I laughed loudly , not noticing Harry was just goofily smiling at me.

After a few minutes I calmed down and he pulled me closer to him again, still laying on our backs in the sand behind the branch, with our legs up over the branch. He looked into my eyes, making my cheeks flush a bright red and I looked away.

"It's okay, you'll learn to stay warm soon. You can't be good at everything" he said and looked at me.

"Don't underrate me like that, I am good at a lot more than you think" I said sassily.

"Oh really, like what?" He grinned at me.

"I said a lot"

"Well give me an example" he chuckled.

"No" I said and looked away.

"Are you good at kissing?" He asked and I quickly turned my head to look at him.

(A/N: Guys I'm so sorry for the late update, I've had so much to do and I feel like I have lost the ability to write😭 I know it's not that good, but I hope you guys like it. Please let me know if I should continue or not)

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