Alone together

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Josie ↑

( A/N: Seriously?! I mean is it even possible to look that good? It's not even fair..)

On a tropical desert island in the middle of The Pacific

The plane was crashed. There was only two survivors. Josie and Harry. How was it even possible? She hadn't seen that boy since they graduated and that, she was happy for. Althrough the whole school, Harry had bullied her, made her want to take her own life. And now there was only the two of them alive. Alone. And they needed each other to survive.

I had just succeeded crawling out of the crashed plane. Coughing and shortness of breath because of the heavy smoke, I finally reached a tree and sat down , leaned my back against the hard trunk of a palm tree. I stared at crashed plane in shock. What had just happened? This was suppose to be a peaceful trip to Paris to visit my cousins. Instead it had become a nightmare in less then two minutes. The image of dead, bloody bodies as I had crawled out of the plane flashed before my eyes and made me feel sick. I lifted a shaky hand to my upper arm and whinched in pain, squeezing my eyes shut. I heard a bang and jumped slightly, shotting my eyes open.

Through the dense smoke I could see a blurred figure crawling out of the plane. I tried to get up but my legs gave in and I fell back down, groaning as my back hit against the tree again. I tried to see who the person was, I don't know even why, since there was no one on the plane I actually knew.

Or was it?

The figure stood up and brushed some sand from his pants. I figured it was a boy and I saw him turn his head to look around. As soon as he discovered me he ran over, limping slightly on his left leg. As he got closer I recognized the boy. It was Harry. Harry 'badass' Styles. The boy who used to bully me every day in school. I couldn't believe it. He kneeled down infront of me. "Hey,myou alright?" He asked, clearly not recognizing me. I just nodded slightly, keeping my head tilted down, not wanting this to get any worse by him realizing who I am. I kneeled up and grabbed onto the rough trunk of the tree to steady myself as I stood up. I took a step and felt my legs get more steady.

"Wait, who are you?" The familliar voice asked as he grabbed my wrist. Of course he didn't remember me , of something that I spent so long over to mind. I just shook my head without looking at the boy and took another few steps.

"Wait a minute. Josie?" He said and stopped me again. I jerked my arm away from him and looked back at him with tear in my eyes.

"Oh my god..." He mumbled as he looked at me, his face greyish with smoke and ash and his lip was cut aswell as one of his eyebrows. I turned away and walked over to some palm trees forming a big circle and sat down on a large tree branch lying on the ground. Slowly I moved my hand away from my upper arm and saw blood flowing from a large cut on my arm. I winched again and frowned and looked around when I spotted some large leaves. I stood up and walked over to them. I pulled off a pretty big one and put it over the cut and tried to tie it together on the other side of my arm but it did not work at all. I heard footsteps coming towards me and groaned slightly as I took one end of the leag in my mind and tried one again to tie it together but it just kept slipping.

Suddenly Harry stood in front of me with a string. He tied it gently around the leaf and around my arm and then tied it together so that it stayed together.

"There you go" he said and looked at me. I scuffed a little and walked away, towards a little tree area.

"Josie ..." he said and I ignored him. I walked still on shaky legs futher into the little 'forest' of bushes and tropical trees. After a shile I found some larger twigs and lifted as many as I could into my arms and carried them back through the little path I made and back out to where Harry was still standing.

"Mind to help a little?" I asked without looking at him as I walked over to the 'circle' of palm trees and put the twigs beside the big branch.

"Oh..yeah, sorry.." He mumbeled and followed after me as I walked back to get some more twigs.


After about maybe 2 hourse we had carried out a good amount of twigs out of the tropical little forest. I walked along the beach to find some rocks we could put around the fireplace as Harry had went back to the now extinct plane to try to find something that we could use to lit up the fire. I picked up another rock and walked back to the branch and sat on the ground and put the rocks ina circle before I grabbed some twigs and put in the middle of it. I looked up as Harry came over.

" I found this" he said and hold a lighter out and sat down on the opposite side of the fireplace.

"Someone must have smuggled it on board" he said and went to lit the twigs.

"Wait, we need to find some dry grass before we can light it. The twigs are too acidic" I said and got up, walking towards an area where it seemed to be dry somehow. As I reached it I kneeled down and felt the grass. It was completely dry and crumbled between my fingers.

"Perfect" I whisper to myself and grabbed as much as I could carry and went back to Harry. I placed the dry grass under the twigs and put the left overs on the top.

"There you go" I said. He looked at me and nodded, kneeling down beside me and lit the fire, which blossomed up immediatly.

"You're really good at this.." He said and got up, putting the lighter next to the twig storage.

"Well it's not that hard, if you had listened on the scouts lessons you would have known it too" I said and walked over and sat on the branch. Harry looked down at his hands as he sat down in the sand on the opposite side of the fire. I could tell he was emberrassed by the rose colour on his cheeks.

The night started to close in and I shivered and rubbed my arms. Only wearing a little flower printed dress I got from my mum before I left. I moved to sit below the branch, on the sand so I was closer to the fire.

"Are you cold?" he asked after a while, looking at me. I looked up at him as he speaked. The fire lighting up his face in a beautiful way. I never really thought about how good looking he actually was. The chocolate brown curls framing his face and giving focus to his emerald green eyes which was glistening. The fire reflecting in them.

"It's okay" I say quietly and looks into the fire. I heard him get up but I didn't bother to look up to see what he was doing. Suddenly I felt something warm surrounding my shoulders and I looked up. Harry was wrapping his jacket around my shoulder and sat down next to me. I looked at him as he looked into the fire.

"Now you'll get could.." I said. He just shooke his head and looked at me, meeting my eyes and caused me to look away slightly, never really liked the way of looking someone in the eyes. Especialy not my bully for 5 years.

"I don't care" he said.

Wait, did he just said that?

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