Good enough.... For a cartoon character

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Since dad has been calling twice everyday and Bella is just now hearing about this, she's worried. He's in pretty shape. He's worried sick, and eventually we'll have to tell him that you didn't make it. Bella he needs time to mourn. Edward reminds her due to Carlisle's concerns.

Jake doesn't like hearing the sound of what's going on. Jacob agrees, up until we say we'll be needing to disappear which he doesn't want happening. Which none of us wanted, but once we told dad that Bella was dead and word spread that she was then we couldn't risk anyone seeing Bella, but we'd be sure to come back.

Wait! No one said anything about leaving! Jacob growled. Jake, we have to go, but we'll be back soon. I promise. That's an empty promise and you know it Farrah. Soon won't be soon enough. There's gotta be a different option. Jacob wondered over to our dad's house and Charlie asked him what was going on.

When it sounded like that Jake was trying to tell him that Bella was dead, he told him that she was fine that she was doing great and that she's back. That was a problem because he wanted to come see her. But when Jake wondered off I was sent after him. But by the time I'd gotten there it was too late. Or rather almost too late.

Look, Bella's fine but in order for her to be fine, she had to change. When Jacob looked like he was about to transform dad stopped him, and handed him a cup of something. But it was already to late. But dad didn't look very surprised. Jacob change back he simply said. Change back and take this to bring to Bella.

When I thought bad things were gonna happen, that's when I got protective that I thought he was gonna transform in front of dad and scare him unintentionally. But dad had gone and told him that he already knew. That he knows about these kinds of things. When dad looked up and behind Jacob he saw me coming.

But before Jake could stop me, just like I was there to stop him, but I'd already began transforming. Farrah stop. He tells me. I'd tugged on my necklace and closed my eyes, but when he stopped me my eyes were still in their dog color, in their wolf like eye form. I cleared my throat from my growl in my voice, then looked at my dad surprised.

Why do you look so surprised I'm the one that should be surprised. Yeah, that's what's so surprising. Guys I grew up with a brother that was part ghost, and a brother that was obsessed with hunting ghosts, and he went and married another ghost hunting freak and then their son is part ghost. And your mother, and her sisters were all vampires or whatever at some point then the other sister who was supposed to be part dragon but it skipped her generation but her kids and father are all dragons.

Do you really think I wouldn't know about this kind of mystical creature business. Billy is like one of my very best friends. Why do you think I was so worried about Bella dating Edward? You think I don't think that I know that my daughter had to change into a vampire or that the necklace around your neck doesn't transform you into a big dog like creature just like Jacob? Bring this to Bella.

I'll be over in the next like 10 or so mins. I'd prepare them if I were you. Oh before you go, Farrah or Snow whichever you prefer.... Um I have some for you too. It's all animal form. So, don't worry about it. You're being surprisingly really cool about this. I don't really have much of a choice in the matter. Do I?

We look at each other then back at him. So, um yeah come on Jacob let's just go back to the house then. Thanks for the blood dad. Love you. Love you too sweetie he says waving us off. When we get to the house.... Before anyone says anything we didn't have to say or do anything he wasn't even surprised when it happened. Charlie is also coming over here in the next 10 mins so he told us to prepare you. BTW Bella this is for you from dad.

Um.... Thanks. Should we even bother trying to make me look and act human? She asks. Whatever helps you guys prepare. But he already knows everything because its more or less the kind of lifestyle he grew in/with. That important thing he had to tell me I'm guessing it was about that. When did he call you? Sometime after we got back a couple of days before I went into labor.

There's no point in hiding the truth if he already knows. But just in case.... Yes it might be for the better if you did. So Ms. expert on pretending to be human tell me what to do. Well, since you have no experience in changing your eye color like the rest of us.... I don't suppose we have real contacts lying around somewhere? In my office. I'll go get them Alice tells me. In the meantime you're gonna want to move your shoulders a lot to make it look like you're breathing, and hold your breath it will help with the scent of blood thing, and don't sit straight, and blink a lot.

How do you know this? You've only been a full vampire for as long as Bella has. 10 almost 11 years living with you guys and I can still eat human food. I still have some hybrid qualities. Somehow. If anyone can teach you how to properly act human as a vampire its gonna be the used to be hybrid sister of yours. Emmett teases. I nudge him. Hey you can't say its not true. He points out.

When dad gets there..... Whatever it is you're trying to fake you don't need to do that. Did you get the chance to drink that cup of blood I sent over. Of course dad thank you. Can I meet her? I'll go get her. I tell her. You stay talk with your dad, I've got her. Jacob says. He brings her out to him.

Renesmee? She's got your eyes Bella. She looks more like the two of you then Edward. She actually looks more like Farrah when she came to live with us when she was younger. IDK I was 8 when I first came to stay with you guys. None the less. After dad leaves Bella is then applauded for acting human for a newborn.

Let's not antagonize her next to Farrah she's now the strongest vampire in the house. Prove it. When Emmett and Bella go outside they arm wrestle and Bella beats him easily with her new strength. IDK I think Farrah's still the strongest. Even if I did beat you Emmett. Yeah not gonna deny that. She's been tested for those things already. We don't have to go through it all again do we? I complain.

No Edward reassures me placing a hand on my shoulder. Great, cause that was a long process. I groan. Everyday until I was 14 years old. Hush he nudges me. But now Bella's time as a human was over, and I'd never have to be a hybrid ever again. I had finally gotten what I've always wanted and more. We were just born to be vampires. Eventually word spread to Aro and his coven.

They sent us gifts to welcome us in, but they'd eventually want proof. What a beautiful necklace. There's one for each of us. I'll put mine on later, you want me to help you put yours on? As long as it wouldn't tangle with any of my other ones. It won't turn around and lift your hair out of the way. Bella takes the (necklace)  and puts it around my neck. There very pretty. Me or the necklace? Yes.

I didn't ask you Edward I was asking my sister. I agree with him. Sounds like the only enemy we had left now was time, since Renesmee was growing so fast. Now she's about my age when I first came to the house but just a little younger but she should be really much, much younger then 6 or 7 years old. It's winter now. With all the snow on the ground that means that Jack's around somewhere.

Yes somewhere is right my snowflake. I hear a mischievous voice call from behind me as he wraps his arms around me. I turn around and kiss him. Sorry that I've been gone so long. What's this? The gift that Aro scent when word spread that we were full vampires now. Welcoming Bella into the family, even though they'll want proof. It's beautiful.

But.... There's no but anywhere. He shakes his head. Except, you're missing something. I am? What? Nessie was out catching snowflakes, Bella was out and Jake was in his wolf form. Bella saw Jack and waved over at him. I wanted to do this after all this blew over, but I get the feeling that we're gonna need some more good news. So, my little snowflake, even though we'll live forever anyways I want you to be MINE forever. And that we make it official (wedding ring) Oh Jack it's beautiful, I cry happy tears of joy as they freeze to my face.

You really are my girl. OMG Jack I'd be crazy to say no. He hugged me tight then kissed me again. Then as we pulled away I was knocked over by a big furry friendly beast. Ah! I yelped. Get down Jake. Bella came over to us with Nessie and pulled me back to my feet. Let me see. She asked. Nessie I have something for you too.

You do uncle Jack? How appropriate. He chuckles. Shush. I roll my eyes. He reaches up and catches a snowflake just like Nessie had been doing and takes more snow and rolls it like a snake like when you roll out playdough. With a little bit of magic the snake like form becomes a silver chain and the snowflake turns into a pendent. It's now a snowflake necklace. A snowflake necklace for my beautiful niece.

We were all smiling and all happy, until we see someone watching us and then leave. Who was that mommy? Nessie asks Bella. I think it was our cousin Irina.

DVG part 5Where stories live. Discover now