~14-Bogo shipda~

387 7 1

4 days later

Y/N pov

There wasn't 1 day in which I didn't miss u tae, today I have my weekly checkup, this checkup will declare, how much more I live, I do feel a lot better like a lot I don't know how its possible, but yeah


Dr- "y/n, you're getting better, and you can live for about 4-5 years more, entire lifetime I'm not sure but I can assure u at least 4-5 years"

Y/n- "wow, so can I get out of this hospital?"

Dr- "ya but of course weekly checkup, and if u feel anything pls don't ignore it like last time"

Y/n- "ok I wont"

I went out of the hospital after saying bye to all took me about and hour to do all that, as soon as I came out of the hospital my dad took me home, I felt so good, after so much time out of that hospital, I'm home sweet home, I went to my room I was so happy, it was evening time so I decided to go meet yuna.


I just came back from taehyung's grave, I go there usually and talk to him, I know he can hear me, I went to my house right after that, I saw taehyung's mom was there

His mom- "hey sweetie, I came here to give this to u" she gave me a letter

Y/n- "what's this?"

His mom- "taehyung left it or u, you should read it"

Y/n- "I will, thank u"

I went to my favorite place, han river
I sat there and started reading

" dear y/n
Hi my baby, you've got this letter because I'm dead already, I know u miss me a lot and I do too, I hope you have more time to live, I'm sorry for not saying bye or anything, death is unexpected you know, all I wanted to say was, please remember our promise, please, I would love you always and always, and I know you would too, but please move on,

I love you, you're tae"

I shed some tears 

" I love you too tae"

I sat there for 5 mins then I went

I was walking through the footpath, not looking forward but looking down

I suddenly bumped into someone and all his things fell down, I was helping him picking it up when he looked up

I sat there for 5 mins then I wentI was walking through the footpath, not looking forward but looking downI suddenly bumped into someone and all his things fell down, I was helping him picking it up when he looked up

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such a handsome man, wow

y/n- "I'm so sorry"

???- "no no pls its my fault, btw I'm bang chan"

Y/n- "I'm y/n"

chan- "its nice meeting u, would u mind meeting me again"

Y/n- "sure I wont mind"

Chan- "ok so today 5 XXX café?"

Y/n- "hehe sure" I gave him a smile

Chan POV

when I looked up I saw such a beautiful young woman, I've never seen such beauty, she's stranger but, I asked her out, maybe this is love at first sight


when I looked up I saw a very handsome guy, VERY, he asked me out, hehe, I said ok cause why not, who wouldn't go out with this cute guy


I came back from meeting chan its 9 rite now, we literally talked for 4 hours, we exchanged numbers, and ummmm I sort of like him, he's so much like tae, I told him about tae but not the name, I cant stop thinking abut him.


Me and chan have started dating, its been 1 month I really like him ALOT, its not that I've forgotten tae or I am using chan nothing like that, I was watching netflix when he came

"Hey babyyy" chan said

Y/n- "hiiiiiii channie"

He came and made me sat on his lap with his chin on my shoulder,

Chan- "uhh y/n, I have to tell you something"

Y/n- "tell"

Chan- "today night I'll take u out "

Y/n- "ok"


I wore this

Me and chan have started dating, its been 1 month I really like him ALOT, its not that I've forgotten tae or I am using chan nothing like that, I was watching netflix when he came"Hey babyyy" chan saidY/n- "hiiiiiii channie"He came and made me sat...

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i went out of my room to see chan on his phone

Chan- "wow baby girl, you look WOW"

Y/n- "hehe, you too" I blushed at his compliment

I went with him

He blindfolded me I dunno why, when he opened

Wow, a date, JUST WOWChan- "you like it?"Y/n- "like?, I LOVE IT babe"I hugged himWe went and started talkingChan- "baby, I want to say something"Y/n- "say"Chan- "y/n I love you very much, I really wanna be with you till I die, I know about your ca...

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Wow, a date, JUST WOW

Chan- "you like it?"

Y/n- "like?, I LOVE IT babe"

I hugged him

We went and started talking

Chan- "baby, I want to say something"

Y/n- "say"

Chan- "y/n I love you very much, I really wanna be with you till I die, I know about your cancer but I'm ok with it, this thing I wanna say is, WILL YOU BE MY WIFE?"

Y/n- "WHAT!!!!!!!!, YES BABE YES"

y/n- "but chan, I dunno till when I will live why do u wanna ruin your life for me?"

Chan- "no baby, I'm not ruining my life, I'm making it better, it doesn't matter till when you live all I want to too be with u till the end"

y/n- "awww, yes I would marry u"


Priest- " do you lee y/n, take, Bang chan as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Y/n- I do"

Priest- "do you bang chan, take lee y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Chan- "I do"

Priest- "you may kiss the bride"

He came near me and gave me a peck


y/n- "Taehyungggggggggggg, did u eat your food"

Taehyung- "yes mommy"

Y/n- "where's your dad?"

Taehyung- "I dunno, mommy can I play now pleaseeeeee" he showed me his puppy eyes

Y/n- "ok"

I named my son taehyung, ya hehe, no one knows except mom, dad, bro

I have a beautiful life now, I dunno till when I live, but I really like living with chan
Chan came back from work

Chan- "heyy baby"
He pecked me

Y/n- "heyy channie"

chan- "hey taehyunggggg"

Tae- "hey appa"

y/n- "lets go watch a movie"

We all 3 went sat on the couch with tae in the middle and watched the movie

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 Thank you all, for reading please give your thoughts on how you liked it, this ff is finally over, u can read my other ff 'happier' 

Thank you and byeee

Have a nice day :>

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