Chapter 14

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As Camila passed by the Wynters house on her way home, Gabriel happen to be on the gates and insisted on walking her home, and of course she was about to say it was all right but then again, he insisted and so she lets him. "Nice of you to visit my brother" He started off.

Camila just smiled and answered that it was nothing. "So how was your week? Were you relaxed?"

"Yes, I had fun."

Gabriel only nods. There was loud silence between the two. Gabriel cannot think of a topic to bring up and neither does Camila since there was nothing to talk about, mostly. Camila noticed that Gabriel opens his mouth a few times to say a word but not a single one comes out. She felt bad, did not knew why but she did. Maybe it was because Gabriel seemed to want to talk to her since she came to their house but she did not even bother making conversations with him. But it was Nicholas who she went for, right? or was that unfair? She feels as some point, she has been unfair to Gabriel. although cannot point how, but she feels like it.

"So uh, how about you? What have you been up to?" She cleared her throat as she spoke.

"Not much. I have decided to continue my paper works and about the wedding" He says "But it's fine, that does not mean that you get to start right away. Maybe after a few days" He smiled and held Camila's hand "May I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Do you like spending time with me?" Gabriel looks at her "I mean- Do you enjoy your time with me?"

"Of course I do, Gabriel" Yes, of course she does. Gabriel is not a boring person. She appreciates how he tries to keep their conversation on going and not to make it awkward, although mostly fails, but then again... she appreciates how he sometimes tries to not make her uncomfortable. Sometimes... "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure that you do not get bored of me" And there it is. She felt bad once again. Has he been feeling that Camila may find him boring? Was it because they do not have much in common? But yes It was true that they do not have much in common, maybe even a lot of things. "I've been thinking about if I would be a great husband to you. I feel like I will, don't you think?"

Camila stutters at first but cleared her throat to speak properly "Yes, of course." 

"You obviously will be a fantastic wife. Just imagine, you stay home at our huge lovely house, I go home tired but smile when I see you" wait wait wait, Stay home?  "You will cook for me and I will tell you on how my day went and will also take care of me whenever I do not feel well"

Camila spoke "I'm sorry, what?" What did he even mean by stay home? and cook for him? She has plans too you know? Before Camila could speak again, they have already arrived at their house. Their guards greeted them and opened the gates for them. 

"Ah, there you are, my Darling" Joseph greets once he saw the two outside the gates "Nice to see you two together" He invited Gabriel to go inside, said that he wanted to talk to them about something. Camila thought to herself that it was probably about the wedding, I mean, what else right? 

They were at the living room. Camila was barely even listening for she was busy thinking about...stuff. Joseph was talking to the both of them or more like only Gabriel. He was discussing about what are their other plans and how can he help about a few things because he has some things he had in mind. Something like since they are to be married, then the both of them can have the family legacy, which is business stuffs that Camila admits that she does not know what kind of business does their family run. She was not even interested of knowing what it was since she has nothing to do with it. Steffan was the one who took over the half part—well most parts actually and since Joseph could be such a business minded person, he still goes on with opening some other, which also could soon to be Camila and Gabriel's. Was she happy about it? Not sure. Does she want it? No. As much as she wanted to feel thankful, she can't. She had plans of her own and they cannot just line things up for her without even hearing her part or ask if it was alright. Her Father never asked her that, he never asked what she wants. It was always not her choice when it comes to her father for as he always says "It is for the best."

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