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THE CAR RIDE TO AJAK'S WAS QUIET, besides the soft breaths of a sleeping Sprite in the backseat— who was leaning against Ikaris— as well as the slight melodies that managed to escape Althea's ear-pods

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THE CAR RIDE TO AJAK'S WAS QUIET, besides the soft breaths of a sleeping Sprite in the backseat— who was leaning against Ikaris— as well as the slight melodies that managed to escape Althea's ear-pods.

The copper-haired woman had her head resting on the car window, watching the small raindrops fall onto it— a result from her own creation as she found herself lost in bittersweet memories.

Memories that put her emotions on haywire, causing the small storm that had followed them from London to South Dakota. Ikaris and Sersi had their suspicions about it, but they didn't say a word, allowing the girl to wallow.

Both knew it wasn't their place to say a word to her about it, deciding that it was best for Ajak to handle it once they reached her. Thunder rumbling outside the car, caused the ex-lovers to share a knowing look, the storm continuing as they pulled up to the small shack.

Ajak had three guest rooms and her own— she always said it was in case someone decided to visit, but still, looking at it from the outside, it looked small. As Ikaris woke up Sprite, Sersi turned to Althea— who had taken out her ear-pods.

"You okay?" Sersi asked and Althea nodded silently, quickly opening the door to escape the conversation. The brunette woman sighed, deciding to drop it as she got out of the car. Sprite and Ikaris followed in suite.

The four of them traveled up the small hill to Ajak's house silently, but at they reached the door, Althea felt her heart drop.

The door was open— the sight made Althea's skin crawl in sadness as she looked into the dark house. "Hello?" Sersi called as the wind began to pick up.

"Althea." Ikaris warned, but it fell on deaf ears. "Ajak?" Sersi called softly and Althea watched the brunette woman walk in. Quickly following behind her, the copper-haired woman moved swiftly to Ajak's room. The bed was made and untouched, making Althea's heart ache further as she turned to face the others— who had followed behind her.

"She's not here." Althea stated hectically as she ran through the house and out to the stables. She didn't know where she was heading, she just followed her heart... and when she saw the body lying there, her heart tore into two.

"Althea! Wait!" Sersi yelled as she ran out of the door, her eyes landing on Althea who stood over a body with tears in her eyes. Sersi ran over in disbelief and grief, watching the copper-haired woman cry silently.

The brunette woman's hands touched at Ajak's lifeless face in denial, not noticing as the storm began to pick up. Ikaris and Sprite ran out at the sound of lightening. Sprite fell to her knees as Althea shook her head, a stream of tears pooling down her flushed cheeks.

"It was a deviant." Ikaris stated emotionlessly as he tried his best to hold in his grief. Althea wanted to scream, she wanted to scream so bad. But if she screamed, if she let go of everything, she had no clue what "natural disaster" would take place. So she shook her head.

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