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Oh and by the way your period ended yesterday.

I was in Jadens shirt he was wearing earlier and with just underwear underneath.

Jaden helped me put on my underwear on because i couldn't walk which I hate him for.

I woke to me on Jadens chest. I smiled to myself. After sex he was so sweet. He acted like the prince he is. Not that he wasn't nice before.

I looked up and saw Jaden asleep.

I smiled to myself and pushed my head deeper in his neck and I kissed it a few times. I felt his hand go To my side To my ass.

"Your up?"i asked. "Yes"he says opening his eyes.

It was like 5 PM and we went to bed at like 12. "Im hungry I want a fruit bowl"i say. "Okay let's go make one"he says standing up.

"I can't walk and you know that"i say rolling my eyes. "Did I really go that hard, I'm sorry mamas"he says. "No J its okay, I loved it, for you being my first time, it felt like I just got everything I wanted"i say.

"That's sweet"he says then kisses me and I kiss him back. I wrap my legs and ams around his torso and cuddle my head into his head. "Wait I'm only in underwear, people could see me"i say.

"I'll get you so spandex's"he says and walks to the closet. He sets my down on the stool I have in there. He helps me put them on and I kiss him. "Thank you Jae"i say. He kisses me again and picked me up like he did before.

We go downstairs. Chef was on his break but that's okay because I wanted to make my own fruit bowl.

Jaden sat me down on the counter stool and got some fruit.

"You might wanna tell my mom to reschedule picking out a dress"he says. I sigh. "I really wanted to do that"i say.

"I'm sorry mamas"he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Jaden you need to stop being so sweet"i say. "You want me to be rude?"he says sitting beside me on another stool.

"No not like that I just mean making like fun of me or something"i say.

"Oh okay because that totally made sense"he says. I death stare him. "What you said to be rude"he said shrugging.

"I know and I like it"i say laughing.

We finish up making the fruit bowl and Jaden takes us up stairs. "Wanna watch a movie"i ask as he sits beside me. "I'd rather stare at you"he says with a smile.

"That was cute but I want to watch something!"i say. 

"Okay whiney"he says. We turn on space jam the new one. Me and Jaden were cuddling until there was a knock on the door.

Jaden opened the door for a minute or two then closed it.

"Who was it?"i asked. "my mom she asked if you were still going with her tomorrow"he says sitting beside me. "What did you say?"i asked.

"I said that you can't really move"he said as he looked at me. "Did you tell that we fucked?"i questioned. "No I told her your have really bad cramps and she told you to get well soon"he says.

"Awh that was sweet of her"i say. "Yeah"he says.

We watch the rest of the movie and chill.

"I need to use the restroom"i say. "I wanna see you Try and walk by yourself"he says.

I stand up and almost fell on my face but I caught my balance. I limped like two steps then my legs started shaking so Jaden quickly got out of bed and caught me before I fell.

"Damn I went that hard on you"he says. "Yes you did hossler, Can you help me to the bathroom now?"i ask.

He nods and picks me up like a baby and walks to the bathroom.

He waits at the door and when I'm done he picks me back up and lays me down on the bed.

"Hey mamas"he says. "Yeah"i ask. "I just really want to know if I went to hard next time I won't or even If there is a next time"he says. "My legs hurt because you were giving me pleasure J, your fine, I like the side of you during sex anyways"i say.

"Okay, thank you for telling me mamas"he says. "I love that nick name"i say.

"Me to so I'm definitely gonna keep it"he says with a smile.

I sit on his lap with my legs on each side and rest my head on his chest.

I quickly fell asleep. 


It was the morning time and I had to use the restroom. I quickly got up but quickly fell. My legs still hurt?

Ugh. I tried to get back up no use. Then I heard laughing. I saw Jaden turned  around looking at me.

"Can you help me?"i ask. "Fine, but it was funny watching you fall not gonna lie"he says with a smile and getting up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He took me to the bathroom. He washed his face while I was using the restroom.

After I was done Jaden helped me up and took be back to the bed.

"I need to take a shower, but I can't stand properly"i say. "I can take one with you?"he says. "I guess"i say.

We went back to the bathroom. He held my waist while I took my clothes off and then he took his off.

He helped me shower and clean up. After I was done he wrapped a towel around me and got me some clothes and a bra and underwear.

He helped me change into them. I covered Up my hickeys he gave me with makeup and I covered his as well. After we were done we went downstairs and we saw my mom.

"Good morning guys"my mother said. "Good morning mama"i say. Jaden set me down in the living room and sat beside me.

"Hey Roxy can you help me with this?"my mother asked. I turned around and saw she dropped papers.
"I'll help you"Jaden said getting up.

"Why couldn't Roxy help"my mother questioned Jaden. "Um, I just wanted to help"he says. "I wasn't born yesterday she can't walk can she?"my mom questioned Jaden.

" umm, yes?"he says. "It's okay, y'all get married in two months what should I expect?"she says as Jaden laughed. 

Jaden Went back to you and sat beside you but he pulled your waist so your sitting on his lap. "So your mom found of you can't walk.."he says.

"What how?"i ask. "I don't wanna explain"he says going on his phone.

I roll my eyes and lay on his chest.

Y'all I know these parts are probably boring but it's not my fault Roxy can't stand?

My princess~ J.HWhere stories live. Discover now