Part I (On the Run) [ft. rihyoncé]

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Robyn Fenty

Today was the day I decided to take my freedom. Life hasn't been the same since I started living with my uncle. He was my god father so he was put in my care once my parents passed.

My uncle has a different definition on what a father figure is. As soon as I was put in his care, he put me straight to work.

He owned a underground fight club and I was his most prized possession. At the age of 13, he made sure that I was strong. He woke me up at 4am every morning and drove me straight to the gym.

I trained for three hours before I had to go off to school. I never had time to change out of my sweaty clothes, so you can image that I wasn't the most popular. I stayed to myself mostly. No one wanted to talk to the weird sweaty girl who was always thirty minutes late to class.

I have been fighting for four years now. He made sure I was unbeatable before I stepped foot in an actual ring. He was smart about that because I've never lost. Not once. I was his undefeated champion but today, I was putting this life behind me. I wanted to live a better life and I know I couldn't do that as long as I lived with him.

It's not like he doesn't know I'm unhappy. He just doesn't accept it. He told me once I'm out of his care, I could do whatever I want.

Tonight I was going up against a fighter who held the best title in her city. New York. We hardly traveled to different locations but my uncle saw green and couldn't pass this up. If I won this fight, he would make more money than he's ever made.

Everyone placed their bets on me because they knew I could win. Unfortunately, I had other plans. Today was the day I'll lose.

I had everything ready. I had a duffle bag full of all of the money I earned. My uncle didn't suspect anything because I usually take one on the road for all of my clothes and equipment.

I stepped out of the locker room and made my way towards the ring. The crowd was so loud I could hardly hear my own thoughts.

"Go make me that money sobrina" my uncle clapped while pushing me inside the ring. I shook my head and exhaled. That's all he cared about. Fucking money.

"Fighters ready?" The referee asked. We both nodded. I looked at her, she was extremely buff. I started off only fighting people around my age but she had to be at least in her late twenties. 

Her eyes held nothing but determination. I was gonna take the dive but I had to make it believable. I slowly breathed in and out.

Ding, Ding, Ding

"...six, seven, eight" the referee went on.

I groaned and crawled towards the ropes. I could only open one of my eyes. I grabbed the rope but I couldn't lift my body up.

The referee called it. The fight was over. I lost.

I let go of the rope and let my body drop. A few moments later I saw my uncles feet walking towards me in the distance. "Can you walk?" He asked.

I lifted my head up to look at him.

He snapped his fingers and a few of his guys came to carry me out. They carried me to the car and helped me inside my hotel room.

"I expected more from you tonight Robyn. I'm disappointed but I know you'll make it up to me. Get your rest now, we leave in the morning" my uncle told me before leaving my room.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I grabbed the duffle bag under my bed. I knew if I had gotten up after the fight was over, he wouldn't let me rest about losing so I faked it.

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