The Need to Know (ft kellyoncé)

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"I'm worried about her Matthew. She barely talks to us and she doesn't have any friends at school. I can tell she's not happy. I just don't know what to do" Tina confided in her husband about her worries about their daughter.

"She's just a kid, Tina. They go through these phases. She'll be alright, just give it some time" Matthew said trying his best to console his wife.

Tina bowed her head and sighed. She could only pray that things would get better for her daughter. Beyoncé was sixteen years old and hasn't had a single good friend since preschool. For some reason none of the girls at school liked her. Tina thought it was because Beyoncé was very intimidating, even though she barely spoke. She got a lot of attention from guys and the girls at school held animosity towards her because of it. But Beyoncé wasn't interested in being friends with the guys either. Deep down she knew a friendship isn't what any of them were searching for.

She just went to school to pass all of her classes and then go home at the end of the day. Some days she'd stop by the park on her way back home. When she was little she used to swing on the swing set by herself. She does it from time to time now because it brung her peace.

Today was one of those days.

She sat down on the swing and just sat there. She held onto the handles and looked down at her feet. She heard footsteps coming towards her and looked up to see who it was. Her bottom lip fell flat to the ground as she watched the beautiful brown-skinned girl sit down on the open swing set next to her.

She looked to her right to glance at the girl once again. Her skin was glistening in the sun. She was a remarkable beauty that she's never seen before. Where did she come from?

"Hi" the girl spoke, snapping Beyoncé out of her thoughts.

Beyoncé was taken back a bit. She quickly averted her eyes, as if she hadn't already been caught staring.

"Um.. hi" she responded shyly.

"Did you want me to push you?" The girl asked. She figured that was probably the reason why she was staring at her. She couldn't have been more wrong.

"Huh?" Beyoncé asked. Not knowing why would she ask her something like that.

"You were staring so I thought you might've wanted to ask me something" She explained.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Beyoncé stumbled across her words. She was too embarrassed to stay here now. She stood up and quickly grabbed her bag.

"Wait!" The brown skinned girl nearly yelled to get her attention again. "I didn't mean to get you upset, I can push you if that's what you want"

"No, I have to go" Beyoncé kept her head down. She didn't want the girl to see how red her face was. This didn't happen often, but she hated when it did. She put both straps around her shoulders and started speed walking down the street.

"Hey baby how was school today?" Her mother greeted her once she came through the doors but she ran up the stairs without saying a word. Tina sighed and shook her head. Another day of dealing with her daughters unhappiness.

Although, what she didn't know was, today was unlike any other day. Today she actually talked to someone. Someone actually wanted to talk to her. The girl even offered to push her on the swing set. That was big for Beyoncé.

Beyoncé had never seen her around before. Not school or the park. She definitely would've noticed her if she had.

Beyoncé looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. "Why are you like this?"

The next day after school she went to the park, hoping she'd see that girl again. She was there for hours, just waiting for someone she had no clue was gonna show up. She just wanted to see her again.

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