Olive got into the room and put down her stuff. Then, she heard Romeo approaching. She turned and saw him walking into the room with a giant stack of blankets. Then, BAM!!!!! Romeo's toe hits the side of the door and he collapses to the floor, clutching his toe in pain.
"My toe!Flipperglappersnackaroo!!It hurts so much!" Olive rushes over to see if Romeo is okay.
"It is going to be alright" Olive says as she picks up Romeo's toe off the floor. She grabs a sheet and tears off a piece then ties his toe back onto his foot. Good thing I watched the Hunger Games and learned how to do that Olive thought.
Olive gives Romeo some pain medication for his stubbed toe and he falls asleep. As she puts a blanket on him, she notices how cute he looks. Suddenly she feels exhausted. She lays down next to Romeo and falls asleep.