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IT'S FIFTH PERIOD and I've been staring at the clock for the past 45 minutes, willing time to go faster. I'm not even sure what Mrs Ainsbury is talking about at the point, I zoned out about 43 minutes ago. Maths is so not my strong point.

"You'll be sitting an exam next week." she claps, and the whole class groans.

I zone out again, watching the big hand tick. Two minutes left. The longest two minutes of my life. The bell finally rings and I have to refrain myself from audibly cheering. I stand up, shoving my books in my bag before leaving the class.

"Hey," I sigh as I reach Bela's locker.

She turns, smiling and closing it.

"Hey bae." Bel links her arm through mine, guiding me down the hall. "You ready to watch your boyfriend eat them up on the field?"

I nudge her with my shoulder, laughing.

"He's not my boyfriend."

She raises her eyebrows. "You guys literally make out, like, every day."

"He isn't ready for a relationship." I sigh.

"But you like him?"

She takes my silence as a yes.

Bela lays her head on my shoulder as we walk out the back door to the sports field.

"It will work out. I can see how much he likes you. He won't be able to stay away forever." she says.

I sigh. In all honesty I have no idea how Parker feels about me. Or how I feel about him. Okay, that was a lie. I know exactly how I feel, I'm just not willing to let myself be vulnerable knowing there's a chance he doesn't feel the same way.

We take our seats in the bleachers, finding James in the third row. He smiles when he notices us.

"Hey girls." he moves up a little, patting the seat beside him. I smile taking it and dropping my bag on the floor.

I turn to Isabela, but her neck is craned as her eyes scan the bleachers. I narrow my eyes.

"Bel? Who are you looking for?" I ask.

She turns around quickly. Her cheeks are a little flushed, as though she's embarrassed she got caught.

"No one." she says briefly, turning her attention to the field.

I narrow my eyes further and she shifts uncomfortably under my gaze, tucking her hair behind her ear. I grin. I know exactly who she's looking for.


I'm cut off as the crowd erupts into cheers, and I realise the soccer team is walking out. The same dark blue jersey I saw when I was accidentally-on-purpose trespassing in Parker's room all those weeks ago, paired with black shorts and socks, and blue boots.

My eyes run over the group, uninterested in looking at anyone who isn't him. I'm about to panic and assume he's been kidnapped by a mafia boss when he walks out last, his hands latched behind his head. His shirt is tight around his arms and back, the name 'ASHFORD' printed in bold white. I can't see his face, but I can tell he looks gorgeous.

I sigh, leaning forward and resting my chin on my hand.

"Trouble in paradise?"

Turning to James, I narrow my eyes in confusion.


"That sounded like the sigh of one in distress." he shrugs. "Could it be to do with a certain Mr Ash?"

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