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I PULL MY suitcases through the door as Marie picks up my duffle bag. It's 9:30, but I decided to come before my shift to bring my things in. I locked up the house when I left this morning, saying my final goodbyes to... well the house. It was a bit dramatic since I'm only living 15 minutes away and can go back at any point, but I felt like it was necessary.

"I'll bring your things to your room Miss Elena." Marie reaches for my suitcase but I shake my head.

"It's fine Marie, your shift is over. You go home." I say, and she smiles at me. "And please, stop calling me miss."

"I hope you settle in well M- Elena, the Ashfords are a lovely family." she touches my shoulder before stepping out the door behind me.

"I left your key in your room." she says before disappearing outside.

I turn to the stairs letting out a sigh. I can barely make it up this mountain of stairs on a normal day, let alone with two suitcases and a massive bag.

As I'm about to reach for one of my suitcases, a lightly freckled arm appears in my way.

"I got it." Parker says bluntly, picking up both of my suitcases and starting up the stairs, leaving me with my duffle bag.

I grab it, walking up the stairs behind him.

We reach the room next door to his and he places my bags on the floor in front.

"Uh, thanks." I press my lips together.

"Mom said I had to." he replies without turning around.


I make a face at his back as he disappears into his room. Picking up my bags, I push the door open, letting out a breath.

There's a bouquet of flowers neatly placed on my bed, with a note next to it. I pick it up, unfolding it and scanning my eyes over the pretty italics.

Hello Elena,

Welcome to the Ashford house! It's a pleasure to have you here. Anything you need, don't be shy to ask. I left you a few things in the first drawer that you may need.



I smile as I walk over. I place her note on the drawer, sliding open the first one. Inside is a grey fluffy towel, a pink toothbrush set on top. Next to it is one of those wash things in the shape of a flower. There is a grey robe, some matching slippers and an eye mask. This is so cute. For the next 15 minutes, I unpack my things into the drawers and the closet, and soon enough it's time for me to look after Jack.

It's kinda weird already being here as I knock on the door of the playroom.

"Come in." Jack's little voice calls from inside.

I push the door open and peek around.

"Hey Jack." I smile at him.

He looks up, a little grin appearing on his lips.

"Hi Elena."

I walk over, sitting amongst the legos he's been playing with.

"What are you doing little man?" I pick up the toy car he built.

"I was gonna make a village but I wanted to wait for you." he plays with his little fingers.

I grin at him.

"Are you saying you missed me Mr Jackson." I tease, and his cheeks turn pink.

"Nooo." he tries not to smile.

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