Chapter 1 - England Awaits..

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I get my bags ready and head to the airport. I walk inside, get my ticket then walk onto the plane to take my seat. I sit down next to this blonde-headed lad and set my purse down beside me and get comfortable.

??: Hello :)

I look over to see the blonde-headed boy smiling and holding his hand out for me to shake it. Did he see me sleeping ? Oh well, I shake hius hand and smile politely.

Me: Hi.

??: How are you doing ?

Me: I'm doing well. And you ?

??: I'm doing good.

Me: That's good. May I ask, what is your name ?

??: Oh, I'm Niall. And yourself ?

Me: Kristian.

Niall: Beautiful name for a beautiful girl :)

I blush and sit back in my seat and close my eyes. I feel the plane take off and before I knew it, I was in Yorkshire, England. I walk to a cab and get in and hand him the piece of paper with the desitnation on it.

Cab Driver: Your mother is Anne Fuentes ?

Me: Yes, sir.

Cab Driver: But, she's English and I seem to hear an Australian accent in your voice.

I glare at him and roll my eyes.

Me: Just please take me to my destination.

Cab Driver: Alright. Here we go.

We start driving. As we drive down the road I see all these signs and cars driving everywhere and I start to smile. I spot this one play-ground I used to go to as a child. I used to play there with my brothers and sisters. It was the best childhood memory of all times for me.

Stuck in my day-dream, I didn't realize that the car was at Anne's house. I get out, pay the cab driver and get my belongings. I walk up to the house and knock. I look up to see my step-sister, May, standing there with a lolipop in her hair.

Me: May, whats in your hair?

May: Annie put a lolipop in my hair because I wouldn't let her play with my barbie's.

I saw as my little sister was crying. I gave her a hug and helped remove the candy from her hair. 

I suddenly hear an older woman's voice. I look up to see my mum running down the stairs coming to what it looked like to give me a hug. And sure enough. She did.

Anne: Kristian ! Your here ! I missed you so much !

I smile and hug her back..

Me: I missed you to mum. A lot.

She gathers my things and helps me up to my room. She leaves and I begin to unpack while listening to music.

Me: I missed Yorkshire so much..

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