Water Cooler Talk

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He's halfway through his annual assessment at one of the main administrative ICA facilities; not that his record doesn't speak for itself, but the ICA always likes to keep an eye on their field operatives to make sure that their most valuable assets are in top shape.

As expected, first his mental tests and now his fitness test reflected on his abilities, stats off the charts as usual.
He rejected the offered massage afterwards even though the physiotherapist insisted, he doesn't need her help to relax his muscles when a hot shower can take care of that as always.

There's not much to do now until it's his turn at the shooting range and the training mission they all have to complete today—ironically based on one of his old missions—so he strolls through the ICA facility with the vague plan of maybe finding Diana.
He always feels more human with her on his side, because he knows that she's the only person in this facility who doesn't see him just as a weapon, just as an asset. He knows it, he sees the way they look at him, hears the way they talk about him.
It's okay, it doesn't bother him for the most part, but with Diana within reach he always yearns for more.

She's not in her office, so he decides to check the various water coolers on this level of the building. He knows from the experience of having infiltrated dozens upon dozens of office buildings that this is where office workers tend to flock throughout the quiet moments of their workdays.

It's not very successful, if meeting Montgomery and his handler at one of the water coolers doesn't count, and it doesn't, not really. They nod in greeting and he continues his search, hearing them discuss their latest mission in more detail than he would've deemed appropriate, given the delicate nature of their jobs.

There are three analysts at the next water cooler he approaches, he knows that they're working under Diana, they're part of their team, and he considers asking them about his handler's whereabouts when he realises they're talking about them.
He steps closer to the wall, out of their line of sight, and does what he's used to doing on every assignment, some additional reconnaissance.

"I haven't seen her all day."
"I bet she's busy trying to catch a glimpse of him."
"Maybe they're busy with each other right now."
"What, it's true. Don't tell me you haven't noticed the way she talks about him."
"Or the look on her face when she talks about him."
"Do you mean ...?"
"I bet they fuck."
"She keeps a folder with every snippet and article about his hits she can get her hands on."
"Don't forget about the framed VOGUE magazine cover."
"That was pretty epic though... And he looked beautiful on that runway."
"He has a very handsome face to be honest."
"I bet his handsome face spends a lot of time between her thighs."
"I bet!"
"She always puts in extra hours for background checks on clients, it's like she doesn't trust us when it's about him."
"She just wants to be sure that she's not leading him into a trap."
"I mean, he's a valuable asset."
"Oh come on, he's more than that to her!"
"I've noticed that she always adds a sweet treat for him to his supply crates, that's really cute."
"And she has several subscriptions to his favourite magazines for his supply crates and safehouses."
"She's totally in love with him."
"Are we sure that they haven't eloped?"
"I wouldn't be surprised."
"Oh my god, I just realised that she always smiles to herself when the clock displays a 47!"
"They definitely fuck."
"Last time he was here for assessment she couldn't keep her eyes off him."
"She can't keep her eyes off of him today either..."
"I mean, he is hot. Have you seen his muscles?'
"She looked like she was about to strangle the poor physiotherapist when she offered him the massage."
"I bet Burnwood likes to take care of his muscles herself."
"And of his bones."
Laughter erupts.
"I heard her cry in the bathroom after they tortured him in Santa Fortuna."
"You would cry too if your office affair got tortured, wouldn't you?"
"I'm telling you, they're more than that!"
"Did you see her collection of absolutely random trinkets he brought back from missions? She kept all of them!"
"That's kinda cute though."
"I heard they use the same sleeping bag in Sapienza."
"No, just whenever one of them is there."
"They're totally fucking!"
"Right now?"
"It's more than that, I swear. She loves him."
"I don't think he's capable of love."
"Why did you have to say that, that's so sad!"
"They'd be such a beautiful couple."
"I'm telling you, they are."

He notices a shadow on the other side of the corridor, hidden from their team's line of sight just like him. They lock eyes. Diana seems terrified, and he's scared that she might run away and this window of opportunity might pass.
He slowly raises his hand and places it on his heart, keeping eye contact with her, watching the fear on her face disappear, being replaced by something much softer, much warmer.
His phone buzzes, it's a text message from Diana.

"My office, now."


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