Twenty Years of Longing

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She's not there yet when he arrives at her office.
47 decides that it's better to wait inside than in front of the door; no need for nosy co-workers to see them enter together, even though everyone seems to assume what he just now realised: They are more than just handler and agent.
Diana seems to see more in him, it's hard to believe and even now he keeps telling himself that he shouldn't get his hopes up, that it's just a misunderstanding, and she's asked him to meet her here to tell him that she's just his handler and he's just her agent, nothing more, not now, not ever.

The little statue of the Eiffel Tower on her desk catches his attention. He bought it for her in a cheesy souvenir shop after he completed a mission. It's tacky, as most of the trinkets he gets for her, but she seems to genuinely appreciate them.

Their analysts were right, she really keeps all of them proudly displayed in her office. Most of them actually clash with the clean and sophisticated design in here. Maybe she likes the contrast. Maybe it's her way of subtly bragging about the sheer amount of high profile missions they've been assigned to in the past. Maybe she keeps them because she likes him, displays them because they make her think of him when she looks at them.
He holds onto that hope.

The framed VOGUE magazine cover is on the wall behind her desk, he notices, she must be really proud of him.

On her desk are a couple more framed photos. He's a bit hesitant to look at them, scared to find out that she has a partner and this is indeed a misunderstanding, but to his amazement they're all snapshots he sent her.
Fireworks in Sapienza, a mirror selfie of him wearing a flamingo mascot costume, a beautiful blue butterfly on a leaf in the lobby of the Himmapan hotel, the smiley face he raked into the zen garden in Hokkaido.

He's so lost in his thoughts and memories that he almost doesn't notice the door opening. His heart starts to race at the sight of her.

Diana smiles at him, she seems nervous.
He should try to convince himself that this is just a misunderstanding, to protect his heart from the inevitable, but she's smiling at him, and he wants to hope.

"I guess we need to talk," she says, and he doesn't want to look sad, but he can feel the downwards tug in the corners of his mouth.

She steps closer to him, touches his arm, a gentle caress, he's never been touched like this before.
There's fear in her eyes, he knows that expression very well, but for the first time in his life it's not because someone is scared of him.
He doesn't know what to do, so he just looks at her, waiting for her cue. She'll know what to do, and he will follow her lead. He trusts her.

She sighs. "I guess it was pretty obvious to everyone else in this building." Diana seems to avoid looking at him now.

He repeats the sentence in his thoughts over and over again. Does this mean it's true?
47 gently lifts her chin until she's making eye contact with him, and the way she looks at him now sets his skin and his chest and his belly on fire.
She steps even closer now, their bodies touch, and she wraps her arms around his waist. It's nothing but fuel to the fire; he returns the hug and holds her as close as possible, her head pressed against his chest, surely she can hear how his heart is racing.

Diana looks up at him, and suddenly it's impossible not to kiss her now. She melts against his body, her hands cupping his face, keeping him close.
His biostat implant sends a tachycardia warning to her smartwatch, and Diana chuckles into their kiss as she silences the alarm without even looking. He would be embarrassed, but all he can care about is to show her how much he wants this, how much he wants her.

He lifts Diana onto her desk, her legs wrapped around his hips, her skirt riding all the way up, and he feels the heat rush to his face and groin at the implications of this, just a thin stripe of satin covering her.
He's hard, and she's pressed against his bulge while they kiss, slowly, longingly. It's a promise, he knows it.

"Come home with me tonight," she whispers against his lips, "I want us to have all the time in the world for this," and he can feel her smile after he nods, feels her hands sneak under his tactical turtleneck and up his back, gently caressing his scarred skin.

They stay like this for a long time, kissing, caressing, pressed against each other, because neither of them want to let go, neither of them want their first kiss to end; twenty years of longing leading up to a promise.

The door opens, they hear an "oops, sorry!" and then the door slams shut again.

Diana grins against his lips. "Mary has something new to gossip about now."


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