My Room

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In my house I'm living in right now I always hear and see things. At night I will hear scratching on my closet doors. I have claw marks all on my doors and even my walls.

Some times I will see shadows walk past my closet. Sometimes I awake to find my closet door slightly ajar. One time I broke my wrist and when I wanted my blanket up it would move up on its own.

One day, I felt something grab my ankles and pull me. Whenever I sleep I always cover my feet. I am scared of my room and my brother even seen the ghost take shape as me. He said I came in the room and poked his foot. I didn't do that and he knows it because he saw what looked like me go through the door.

So my room is haunted and so is my family. I will have more to put down but it may take awhile. Stay tuned. My life is filled with ghosts. Sometimes I think that my family is haunted, not the homes we move into.

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