Chapter 8

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I notice it's 6:30 so I finish up,grab my bag and leave.
It's very quiet as most people left earlier. I unfortunately,have to stay slightly longer due to me being Lorenzo's assistant.

Once I'm home, i change, make dinner and then relax in bed.

In the morning, I wake up freshen up,get dressed and head out. I'm tired and I woke up early, so I decided to go to a cafe close to work.

I got a coffee and a croissant, and sat down at a table
"Hey, do you mind if i sit here? The other tables are either occupied or have dirty mugs and plates on them "

I looked up from my phone, and saw someone who I didn't recognise. He looked nice, so I nodded

"Thank you, I'm Benjamin, people call me Ben" he smiles

"Nice to meet you Ben, I'm Delilah, some people call me lilah, it's up to you tho whatever you want to use" I smile back

" so what brings you in here so early?" Ben asks

"Oh I've just decided to have a little something before work, that's all. And I've never been in here before so I thought I'd try it"

"Really? You've never been in here before. It's lovely, such a nice vibe. Where are you from? Judging by your accent you aren't from New York? Ooo work, that's fun where'd you work? Sorry for all the questions, I like meeting new people"

"It's fine, it doesn't bother me. I'm from England, it's almost been a month since I've moved here. I work at Rossi and co, I only started working yesterday"

"A British gal ;), and Oh you lucky bitch. Rossi and co? Have you seen Lorenzo much? God he's a fine man isn't he?" Ben gushes over Lorenzo and I start laughing

"unfortunately I have to see him a lot everyday,I'm his assistant.Sure it's a lovely place to work in, and the pay is great. Although Lorenzo may look alright, he certainly has a shitty personality"

"I'd cut off my limbs to work as his assistant. I'm so jealous of you right now. I have no clue when your work starts but here's my number, I'll call you and we can go out some time.Oh and if Lorenzo ever needs someone else call me" he winks at me

I laugh again, "of course, I'd tell him all about you. Thank you for this conversation, it was really lovely to meet you Ben. I have to go now, see you soon" I quickly leave and head to Rossi and co

I walk in to see katherines head shoot up

"Hey katherine. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just um. Mr Rossi came in earlier today and expected you to be here, so he may be angry"

I scoff "how's that my fault. I'm supposed to be here at 8:30. It's 8:00?"

"I'm not sure. You should just go to his office, good luck"

I quickly make my way to his office, and open his door
Lorenzo looks up at me, and motions for me to close the door. As I do he speaks
"You're late."

"I'm early actually. I'm supposed to be here at 8:30, instead I'm here at 8:00"

"Get here earlier then Delilah.I came earlier and I expected you Here"

"That's your problem . You should have came at your usual time and everything would have been fine"

"You're starting to piss me off a lot now delilah"

"Finally you will get to know how I think of you"

"I saw you in that cafe as I was driving into work. I told you that you aren't allowed to date"

"I told you that you can't control my life. And he's my friend, we aren't dating. Also he's got a bit of a thing for you sir" I laugh as his face changes

"I don't have time for you to mess about. Go to your office and start going through emails"

I leave his office and go to mine.

An hour later, and I've almost finished looking at emails, and making dates for meetings. My phone buzzes and I look at it.

Ben: Hey girl. How's work? How's Lorenzo? ;)
Ben: we should go out soon xoxo
Ben: you can invite any of your friends
Ben:am I bothering you? Oops don't get told off.
Ben: actually I'll get you told off, then daddy Lorenzo can punish you 😏 lucky bish.

Me: hello Ben, work is okay. Lorenzo is mad cause apparently I'm late which I'm not, I actually got here earlier than usual. Sure I'm up for that, Ben omg. No way would I let him touch me, I can't stand the man.

Ben: sure ;), like i believe that. You're telling me that you would reject a kiss from Lorenzo.

Me: Uh yes. I would 1000%. I'll give him to you xoxo
*incoming face time from ben*

" I don't believe you for one second, tell that to me. Look me straight in the eyes. Oh and also thank you, I'd accept" Ben shouted through the phone

" I would never ever even fucking consider kissing that snob. So to answer your question Ben, I would 1000% reject any romantic advances made towards me. Anyways I gotta go back to work, before that dick head shouts at me for breathing"

"Wow. I. My god. Lilah whos that sexy man behind you? Is he 💅 by any chance? If you don't want him I'll happily take him"

"What are you talking about Ben, I look at my phone screen, and then turn around. Oh shit"

"Miss Evans, I don't pay you to talk to your friends. Also no im not gay."

"That's Lorenzo?. My god, am I fainting. Lilah you lucky lucky girl. Use your sexiness to get some love for me."

"Ben. Why would you say that. Also I'll talk to you later bye"

"Bye delilah. Bye dadd-" I cut Ben off before he can finish.
"So umm. That was Ben, I met him this morning" I smile at him awkwardly

"Although im flattered you can't seem to be on a phone call without bringing up my name, you should get back to work miss Evans."

"Oh please don't even. Ben asked how work was, and how you were. That's how you got into the conversation"

"Sure. Also I don't appreciate all those things you said about me" he leaves the room

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