the house and the team

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The team ensembled in the park, and waited for the adults to leave, before we went into the woods to get to the house. It was only fifteen minutes away from the park.

As we got there, some of the team gasped as they saw it, as it was massive. As we started to walk to the house, one member said: "Fucking hell," as he walked through something disgusting.

We got to the door, and went in to the parlour of the house. As we all went in, the door slammed shut on its self, making us jump.
"Alright everyone, have a look around, and get on the walkie if you find everything. Go in pairs, if you want, but ideally go solo, to cover more ground," said Rosie, "good luck."

Everyone went into different areas, and some went upstairs. It was creepy for when some of us was Last here.

A member of the team said on the walkie: " err guys, you better come up to the top floor and see this."

We all rushed to where he was, and saw something that truly scared us for life. It was all of the missing people from the clown knappings from the last two years. There was weapons everywhere and parts of peoples bodies scattered around the room- the body parts was mostly female and hardly any male bodies.

It was truly shocking for all of us, and carried on searching upstairs for anything else. Until some of us went into the basement and the others in the into the attic. The walkies weren't working as well as it was.

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