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There's a knock at the door of the avengers tower Steve opens it.

"Kaitlyn?! What are you doing here?" Steve says
He lets the young girl in. She looked to be about 15-16.

"I told you it's kye and I got in a fight and mum said I have to come live with you. Something about training me to use my strength for good" She says

The other avengers walk in. They look shocked to see a teenaged girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes just like Steve's standing in the entrance of the compound.

"who is this" tony asks

"my daughter, Kate-kye she got into a fight and has to live here now since her mother can't handle her" Steve says

"Did you win?" Natasha asks. Steve glares at her


"she has an attitude but she is hot" Peter thinks walking into the room

"thank you peter" key smiles

I-I didn't say anything" Peter says

"Kye why don't you tell them about your powers" Steve suggests

" Ok, I can read minds if I want to, elemental control and I'm a good fighter" I say

"I like this one she can stay". Natasha smirks

"so where will she stay" thor asks

"good question" steve says "tony must have some extra rooms"

" I have a bunk bed she can stay in my room" Peter suggests

"good idea, peter show Kye to her room" steve says

"ok come with me" peter says

"oh no I should have stayed now I have to live in a boys room ew" Kye thinks

"ok "

They get to peters room and it looks amazing so much nicer than Kye had thought.

"Wow this is so cool" Kye says in awe

Inside there is two bunk bed with a hammock of stuffed animals in between.

"I know right"

Bucky walks in

" I heard you might be here doll" buck says

"BUCKY" Kye screams running up to him and and hugging him.

" still small little Rogers" he laughs

Kye punchs him.

"ow but hit hard" bucky says rubbing his arm

"thank you now out" kye smirks

"actually the avengers are on a mission so I have to watch you and Peter" he says

"We don't need watching. Jinx " they say

"you too are like siblings" buck laughs

Peters mind: but she's too cute to be my sister

"we are " peter laughs

"you know I can hear your thoughts right Peter?" Kye giggles

"shit you heard nothing " peters blushes

"what did he think" buck asks

"N-nothing" peter says

"he said I was too cute to be his sibling" kye giggles

Peter turns red. Hiding his face in his hands

" ha He's funny like you can ever date you" Bucky laughs

He's overprotective like Steve

"don't worry Bucky I don't like him" kye says before winking at Peter cause ugh him to blush harder

"then who do you like" bucky asks

"*mumbles* No one "

"what" bucky asks

" *a little louder* No one "

"oh really"

"yes really" kye mimics

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