#21 The

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August 13th 2018

Lorenzo Pov's

I watched Aurora laugh and giggle with her new family and I loved it. The whole family looks 10x happier and I am so thankful that I got Aurora back which reminds me that I need to find this Sarah that was Bianca's friend who looked after Aurora.

I see my sister come near me and she has tears in her eyes and a big smile that warms my heart.

"I'm so happy you found her Enzo. She looks so happy. It's like we've been missing something and now we're whole." She said while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I know. You should see the boys when we are in America. She is never alone and is always smiling." I told her and she laughed.

Soon my mama comes over and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I hug her back as I see my papa come around the corner and sit near my brothers.

"Have you thought about the ball? You know she has to be announced to the world so everyone knows that she is a princess." My mama said while she led us over to the rest of my siblings.

"I was considering doing it in Italy next month when she turns 13. It'll be like a big birthday party for her. All of the family would be here and a month should be plenty of time to invite the allies." I said while tapping my foot on the ground.

All the cugnios were swimming in the pool while we were talking. Bambina was having the time of her life sitting on top of Alessio's shoulders. I look back at my mother and she nods her head mumbling to herself.

"That should work but I must start planning now. We'll have to get the invitations out and the ball room needs to be waxed. The caterers will need to start preparing as well." Mama starts to mumble louder. We all laugh before I head over to the pool.

"Bambina are you hungry? It's lunch time." I ask her as Alessio swims her closer to the edge of the pool.

"Yes Daddy but I don't want to stop playing. Bubba was about to lose go Alessio and I." She said softly making all of her cugnios and brothers laugh. She looks at them and they instantly stop. I roll my eyes before taking bambina's hand and leading her into the house.

"Aren't you worried about your sons hunger" Alfonso shouted from the pool making me laugh. Bambina looked up at me with a little pout and her big doe eyes that make me cave into whatever she wants.

"Aren't you going to get everyone food daddy?" She asks me innocently.

"Yes Bambina but they all know how to get food and I wanted to make sure you were fed before they ate s the food." I answer her as I lead her to the big buffet table full of Italian food. She gasps and looks at all the different food.

After getting her a plate full of everything and leading her back outside mama tells the boys that lunch is ready and they all stampede inside the house.

When everyone was fed and was tired from swimming we played games as s family before papa decided he had an announcement to make at dinner. All the boys looked around at each other wondering what he had to announce.

Alessandro's Pov

Nonno stood up at the end of the table and everyone went silent. I look over at dad and he is too focused on Nonno to see me stare at him.

"As Aurora is new to the family and will be turning 13 in a month we are going to be holding her a birthday ball with all of our friends." Nonno said making everyone look at each other.

"NO!" I shout knowing exactly what they are talking about. They want to announce Aurora to the world as part of the mafia. She is to innocent for that.

"Not now Alessandro." Dad says making me glare at him. Aurora looks at me with sad eyes before running off to our room.

I stand up and run after her knowing she thinks I'm mad at her. I catch up to her just as she's about the close the door but I put my arm and foot in the way.

"Bambina, I'm not mad at you." I said softly trying to get her to let me in but she keeps trying to close the door.

"I'm sorry I yelled Bambina but I was mad at dad not you." I let her keep trying to close the door listening to her little grunts.

"I don't want you to be mad Bubba." She whimpers through the crack. I slowly push the door open and pick her up and sit her on my lap where she hugs me as tight as she can.

She starts to cry and I rub her back trying to calm her down.

"How about we go finish eating and then we can all watch a movie together?" I try to reason with so she eats and isn't sad. I feel her nod her head so I stand up and carry her back to the dinning room and I sit back on my chair with her on my lap.

Everyone is silent and looking at us but dad clears his throat and everyone continues to eat with me giving small bites to Aurora.

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